Message from @asparkofpyrokravte

Discord ID: 530288584624963585

2019-01-03 07:24:53 UTC  

Tell me what you think of Warren Farrell

2019-01-03 07:25:34 UTC  

What do I need to think of him

2019-01-03 07:26:00 UTC  

I want to know your opinion about him

2019-01-03 07:27:36 UTC  

Come on, say what you may

2019-01-03 07:28:05 UTC  

“Evenings of paying to be rejected can feel like a male version of date rape.”.Ignoring that there is a male version of date rape called date rape, which is already misandrist and screwed up, that’s a direct equivalence. It feels nothing, at all, like date rape.

2019-01-03 07:29:04 UTC  

Farrell is the MRA equivalent of most mainstream feminists

2019-01-03 07:29:10 UTC  


2019-01-03 07:29:47 UTC  

And He hadn't made women the oppressor class as does feminists

2019-01-03 07:30:38 UTC  

And formulated the 'matriarchy theory'

2019-01-03 07:31:28 UTC  

I have never met a feminist who has made anyone an oppressor class

2019-01-03 07:31:43 UTC  

@Indigo "And the oppressed class use 80% of the total money of the world." This is bullshit. The actual claim is "Women actually control 80% of household spending" according to

@PM_ME_UR_PC_SPECS Saying most feminists don't talk in terms of patriarchy (or an equivalent oppression narrative) is ignoring every feminist thinker since 1900, including Bell Hooks and Freidan.

2019-01-03 07:32:26 UTC  

I did not say that "most feminists don't talk in terms of patriarchy"

2019-01-03 07:32:54 UTC  

my apologies, allow me to correct

2019-01-03 07:33:55 UTC  

"patriarchy is not a system of oppression"

2019-01-03 07:34:06 UTC  

is ignoring every feminist thinker since 1900...

2019-01-03 07:34:13 UTC  

And feminists believe it is

2019-01-03 07:35:09 UTC  

Oppression by the system. Not oppression through the system

2019-01-03 07:36:03 UTC  

and you know what I just realised?

2019-01-03 07:36:19 UTC  

I have been argued into defending patriarchy theory

2019-01-03 07:37:16 UTC  

Right, you were originally saying it was a secondary element

2019-01-03 07:37:30 UTC  

And then trying to get a definition

2019-01-03 07:38:39 UTC  

@PM_ME_UR_PC_SPECS you were not argued into defending it, its what you clearly set out to do

2019-01-03 07:39:10 UTC  
2019-01-03 07:39:15 UTC  

I'm not so sure Caterpilla

2019-01-03 07:40:10 UTC  

He was trying to defend feminism against accusations of bigotry on account of patriarchy theory

2019-01-03 07:40:21 UTC  

It sure seems that way to me, so 'bullshit' all you want, I'm not gonna think contrary to how it appears

2019-01-03 07:40:25 UTC  

at least, that's how I read it

2019-01-03 07:40:54 UTC  

Oh definitely, but in doing so he was refining patriarchy to meet his own narrative

2019-01-03 07:41:10 UTC  

@PM_ME_UR_PC_SPECS was set out to limit patriarchy theory to just the rule of men and to remove the patriarchy is the cause of female oppression part

2019-01-03 07:41:24 UTC  

not really, i was using the Geek Feminism Wiki definition

2019-01-03 07:41:37 UTC  

As opposed to almost every feminist thinker

2019-01-03 07:41:46 UTC  

Well now we get to stop guessing at what Sick was trying to say and hear him say it 😉

2019-01-03 07:42:39 UTC  

@Indigo yes, the most prominent feminist wiki lists ideas opposed to almost every feminist thinker

2019-01-03 07:42:43 UTC  


2019-01-03 07:43:19 UTC  

Hence There's a difference between what feminists claim to do and what actually they do

2019-01-03 07:43:40 UTC  

Because of course that is what *you* would get out of it

2019-01-03 07:43:59 UTC  

@PM_ME_UR_PC_SPECS yup, not like any ideology has ever had a disconnect between what they say they do and what they actually do before, right?

2019-01-03 07:44:12 UTC  

I'm not following this

2019-01-03 07:44:58 UTC  

You're saying that the Geek Feminism definition says that patriarchy theory is not a concept of oppression?

2019-01-03 07:45:24 UTC  

I think that's very hard to agree on

2019-01-03 07:45:33 UTC  

"the system of gender-based hierarchy in society which assigns most power to men, and assigns higher value to men, maleness, and "masculine traits"