Message from @Abbysol

Discord ID: 528150883666755584

2018-12-27 20:05:07 UTC  

It would be good to make something that can potentially replace all the stuff like this with one big area we can be sure isn't going to go down

2018-12-27 20:05:16 UTC  


2018-12-27 20:07:09 UTC  

Well we're building our headquarters at the UN, but the construction takes time

2018-12-27 20:07:33 UTC  


2018-12-27 20:42:43 UTC  


2018-12-27 20:43:58 UTC  

Oh right

2018-12-27 20:44:00 UTC  

That's me

2018-12-27 20:44:02 UTC  


2018-12-27 20:44:25 UTC  

Sorry, I never think of it in terms of its acronym

2018-12-27 21:01:28 UTC  

So you think we should just use the site as it stands to create the community? That was the original plan, but I'm wondering if a new site might work best as some might find the name offputting. What do you think?

2018-12-28 09:51:36 UTC  

Ok @everyone. I'm making some new rules for the <@&516181909554987038> group on the channel to keep free speech intact while combating trolls and so on. Please do give me any and all feedback you can.

2018-12-28 09:55:53 UTC  

What the heck is a MAP

2018-12-28 09:56:13 UTC  

I've checked urban dictionary

2018-12-28 09:56:22 UTC  

It's minor attracted person

2018-12-28 09:56:42 UTC  

PC name for a pedophile

2018-12-28 09:56:55 UTC  

To generalize pedophilia with hebephila and ephebophila

2018-12-28 09:57:18 UTC  

It's a bad word

2018-12-28 09:59:30 UTC  


2018-12-28 10:01:15 UTC  

Almost every single person is attracted to post pubescent people mostly 17-20.
Legality aside People can't deny it. Denying it is just political correct bs.

2018-12-28 10:01:48 UTC  

Ephebophila is indeed a bit of a strange classification

2018-12-28 10:03:03 UTC  

there is a problem though when you start describing it as your "sexuality" and asking for sympathy by acting like a victim that society just doesn't understand, that and also child pornography is quite a harmful practice.

2018-12-28 10:34:03 UTC  

regardless people should have less stigma so people attracted tuh children can get help with ways to reduce their urges

2018-12-28 10:34:03 UTC  


2018-12-28 10:39:33 UTC  

I disagree, less stigma can lead to people thinking it is not that much of a problem, also it may be paranoia on my part but we do get school age boys through here often, usually being treated like shit by teachers or careers that are looking for some kind of support and I do worry about the vulnerability in that case, I have nothing against MAPs seeing they have a problem and they should go and seek help, but here is not the place to do it, and to have them attach themselves to the movement will not be a good look for us, especially when we know that people do in fact come here fishing for screencaps to post on anti-mrm sites.

2018-12-28 10:40:59 UTC  

Nr, in society there should be less stigma to being attracted to younger people and seeking help (the help afiak is mainly finding ways to reduce sexual desire in general, so less urges less likely to offend) but same stigma on committing sexual acts with them.

2018-12-28 10:41:17 UTC  

not talking about mensrights places

2018-12-28 10:41:34 UTC  

Since it doesn't have anything to do with mensrights it seems offtopic to mention that

2018-12-28 10:41:53 UTC  

There should be less stigma associated with all mental disorders and seeking help

2018-12-28 10:43:36 UTC  

What "help" is there for people being sexually attracted to a classification of humans they can never be allowed to do anything to? Literally just giving them chemicals that will imbalance hormones and lower sexual urges in generals. Its not the same as other illnesses cuz much harder to treat, and the "help" is pretty crude, but its the best there is RN and better than the alternative.

2018-12-28 10:43:57 UTC  

But anyway I don't see what ti has to do with mensrights in the first place, hijack much?

2018-12-28 10:46:39 UTC  

I just draw a bit solid thick line over there and anyone who crosses that for me is just a big fat nope, never anything that could potentially put a child at risk, and if you are viewing as a "sexuality" instead of an illness, and also believe that viewing child porn is not harmful then extra nopes.

2018-12-28 10:46:56 UTC  


2018-12-28 10:47:53 UTC  

What does it have to do with mens rights though? Society is more *harsh against men committing those offenses than women, yes, but none are really acceptable socially or legally. Its illegal (on paper) for a man or woman to do that stuff.

2018-12-28 10:48:02 UTC  

What does it have to do with mens rights? Hows it a male issue?

2018-12-28 10:49:14 UTC  

it's not, we had a guy come in an try and make it one, I banned him and it has remained a bit of a topic as something to watch out for in future and be very clear that this kind of rhetoric is no welcome here

2018-12-28 10:50:42 UTC  

Cool I agree then but still kind of strange, its wrong for either a man or woman to commit that stuff. The answer to woman getting off lightly compared to men is to push for harsher sentences for women, not treating it all lightly.

2018-12-28 10:51:22 UTC  

yeah, I think everyone here can agree with that, lol

2018-12-28 10:51:35 UTC  

I hope so

2018-12-28 10:52:19 UTC  

if anyone tries to support that stuff you can tell me and I will ban hammer them into the stratosphere

2018-12-28 10:52:50 UTC  

As long as the bans are being done properly, that sounds fine by me

2018-12-28 10:53:30 UTC  

yeah, we had a big talk about it today, I didn't archive any of what the guy said so I will remember to do that next time first. ^^;