Message from @Men Are Human

Discord ID: 528961436001632268

2018-12-29 20:27:53 UTC  

Why believe every job must be made ideally 50:50

2018-12-29 20:37:35 UTC  

While I'm open to the idea of "best candidate" - and there are women who can work cars and fish and even lift, so I wouldn't want to exclude them - the reality is that statistics will favor one side over the other. Maybe in a century, if we all don't destroy ourselves/the planet, we'll all evolve into a unisex being, but for now, we are witnessing a social revolution

2018-12-29 20:44:07 UTC  

i think SJWism might prove to be more of passing fad than people think. but at the same time, it could be the beginning of a nazi like movement

2018-12-29 20:46:47 UTC  

There are women who can work cars and lift things but are those number of women anywhere near the number of men who could do that?

That's why there will never be 50:50

2018-12-29 20:55:51 UTC  

Even in seemingly equal things like chess, the champions are overwhelmingly male. @Dan da Dad

2018-12-29 20:58:48 UTC  

We don't know exactly why

2018-12-29 21:56:46 UTC  

It might come down to that "women interested in people, men are interested in mechanical things" dynamic that gets talked about a lot. It's one of those 'pros and cons of each gender' dealies, I think.

2018-12-29 22:16:43 UTC  

Feminists don't want to equalize gender gap in psychology, where it is 80% women

2018-12-30 08:54:50 UTC  

I should think they probably don't.

2018-12-30 14:30:37 UTC  

reddit /u/perplexedm posted a new link in /r/MensRights
India : Mumbai ‘Stalker’ Whose Penis Was Chopped Off by Harassed Woman Dies -

2018-12-30 14:31:31 UTC  

That's horrific. I wonder if any feminists laughed this time....

2018-12-30 14:55:10 UTC  

If the view was any indication, I'd say its pretty likely

2018-12-30 15:30:16 UTC  

Makes me cringe every time. especailly when the men do it

2018-12-30 15:30:34 UTC  

You know they brought Bobbit on a talk show and had a giggle with her about it?

2018-12-30 15:30:45 UTC  

And there was a painting of her as an angel?

2018-12-30 15:30:50 UTC  

Makes me shudder.

2018-12-30 15:31:17 UTC  

Angel of what, death?

2018-12-30 15:34:51 UTC  

Only without the mercy

2018-12-30 15:43:40 UTC  

Pretty much

2018-12-30 15:43:53 UTC  

I was thinking a fallen angel, personally, but there you go

2018-12-30 15:44:35 UTC  

Correction: she is portrayed as a saint, not an agnel

2018-12-30 15:44:56 UTC  

And that is not the only one

2018-12-30 15:46:25 UTC  

Sorry, I hope nobody minds gore in a painting. I couldn't find a way to link indirectly to that image from here, but you can see it under 'bobbit':

2018-12-30 16:28:53 UTC  


2018-12-30 16:29:01 UTC  

Reddit post: Where’s the Patriarchy?? The people most in prison are men; most people on the street are men; most victims of violent crime are men; most people who commit suicide are men; most people who die in wars are men; people who do worse in school are men..more work place injuries and death are men -

2018-12-31 07:21:08 UTC  

I've seen women hitting men in public. Never a man hitting a woman. Some men get trreated like little kids their whole lives, and they laugh along when women joke that men are stupid. It drives me nuts.

2018-12-31 07:22:48 UTC  

I spent a day with my mum not long ago, she was encouraging my brother's GF to hit him if he every steps out of line.

2018-12-31 07:31:45 UTC  

Wow. That's messed up.

2018-12-31 07:32:08 UTC  

You should write about it. You have so many stories people need to hear.

2018-12-31 07:32:47 UTC  

I got the dirtiest look too when I told her that is she tries hitting my little brother over the back of the head that I was going to hit her over the back of the head

2018-12-31 07:33:02 UTC  

my mum is a very special kind of person

2018-12-31 07:41:31 UTC  


2018-12-31 07:41:45 UTC  

You were feisty. XD

2018-12-31 07:41:52 UTC  

I'd not have dared

2018-12-31 07:44:14 UTC  

yeah, it's not like it's out of the ordinary, I have to hold my tongue a lot, but we used to have awful fights, like, actual punch ups that most people don't consider women are capable of, I usually came out worse for were, she is a lot bigger then me, I am only about 160cm, she is about 185cm

2018-12-31 07:48:36 UTC  

That's really toxic. I've never had a fight with my parents like that.

2018-12-31 07:51:39 UTC  

probably the reason I was such a violent person growing up, and then when my dad first rescued me I was pretty violent with him too, I don't know how he coped with me sometimes, it really damaged me for a long time.

2018-12-31 08:33:54 UTC  

Really hurts to hear about abuse, but I'm really glad you're one of the ones who got saved.