Message from @Men Are Human

Discord ID: 537349805526220821

2019-01-22 09:28:39 UTC  

It's disgusting.

2019-01-22 09:31:06 UTC  

why do men have to pick a side? am I not allowed to pick a side? apparently my gender makes it so I am not allowed to pick a side, I am just defaulted to the other side xD

2019-01-22 09:32:46 UTC  

It really is that stupid, lol.

2019-01-22 09:33:54 UTC  

I can tell you now, out of my friends who are mostly feminist, none of them like Clementine Ford, they usually point to her as being the kind of person at fault for making people hate Feminism, lol

2019-01-22 09:56:56 UTC  

She basically is, to be fair. To be even more fair - she has a free reign and no Feminists seem to protest her.

2019-01-22 09:57:31 UTC  

seems to me like she has her small loud following and then most just try to ignore her

2019-01-22 09:57:58 UTC  

media seems to love her though, which is irritating

2019-01-22 10:42:20 UTC  

The media loves crazies, lol

2019-01-22 10:42:53 UTC  

because most mainstream media is made up of crazies

2019-01-22 11:31:02 UTC  

I'd say more slightly more evil than crazy. But a bit crazy. It takes that kind of mix to know that they play a part in harming society - and yet carry on as normal.

2019-01-22 15:36:59 UTC  
2019-01-22 15:37:13 UTC  
2019-01-22 15:37:44 UTC  

I think people need to make another one of those stock photos, that one gets used constantly. XD

2019-01-22 15:43:57 UTC  

great artifle though, this will force the conversation to a head, and eventunally bring to light that feminists are actively AGAINST mens issues, OR trap them into admitting MRAs are right, even if they frame it as "MRAs arent right but [exactly what we say]"

2019-01-22 15:52:16 UTC  

If we can get them to the second point, it will be easy to beat them

2019-01-22 18:00:52 UTC  

Reddit post: Consent goes both ways! -

2019-01-22 18:03:28 UTC  

Please upvote that if you can. It's good to see awareness spreading!

2019-01-22 18:27:16 UTC  

Is it just me or is twoX getting better recently?

2019-01-22 18:56:04 UTC  

We can only hope

2019-01-22 19:16:17 UTC  

/u/PowerToAnnihilate posted a new self post in /r/MensRights On Men killing themselves being attributed to 'toxic masculenity' - Firstly, isn't that victim blaming? The man is dead. Why blame them (their masculinity/masculinity as a whole) for their own death? That seems like a horrible thing to do in my opinion, like stomping on his own grave.

2019-01-22 23:40:22 UTC  

How many Mens shelters are in the US?

2019-01-22 23:40:38 UTC  

i know there is over 1000 womens across 50 states

2019-01-22 23:55:30 UTC  

I found a thing that said at least 2 registered ones, but I’m not sure, can’t seem to find any hard numbers for it

2019-01-22 23:57:45 UTC  

I assume this is male exclusive and doesn’t count shelters that don’t discriminate on gender

2019-01-23 00:28:28 UTC  

yeah because it wouldnt be a mens shelter if it was gender nuetral

2019-01-23 00:29:04 UTC  

either way it's not enough

2019-01-23 00:34:48 UTC  

yeah its infuriating to know if i lived with a girlfreind and she kicked me out of the appartment i would have nowhere to go other than homeless shelters filled with drug additcts shooting up and screaming all night

2019-01-23 00:36:38 UTC  

if she was beating me and breaking my shit i would have no place to go

2019-01-23 09:36:42 UTC  

/u/UsedToBeRadical posted a new link in /r/MensRights US Black Men Wrongly Accused of Rape, Receive Pardons 70 Years Later -

2019-01-23 21:41:25 UTC  

When women get sexually assaulted, it's horrific - but when men get abused it's a prank....

2019-01-23 22:32:06 UTC  

At least its all backlash in the comments

2019-01-23 23:09:17 UTC  

I feel like we should all have a fundraiser livestream in the future

2019-01-23 23:13:08 UTC  

What charity what would the stream consist of

2019-01-23 23:24:27 UTC  

one of the few reputable men's charities . we could all play a single game together like minecraft or something for the entire day

2019-01-24 00:45:59 UTC  

Have you all here gone through the latest survey being done by some University of Richmond people?

2019-01-24 02:42:32 UTC  


2019-01-24 10:20:43 UTC  

I had a look at that, just a note if you are gonna do it, don't do it on mobile! One of the questions made me have to restart the entire thing because I was trapped on the page...

2019-01-24 10:22:20 UTC  
