Message from @queenarchitect
Discord ID: 293540482905276427
you aint white
i'm less moortugal than you you dip
>implying im n ot larping for opsec
@queenarchitect Your portugeese?
shes a nigger
That is great.
like 10%
Better than nothing.
@badtanman M I L K E D
oh that chick
she was on antm
unless there's more of those
americas next top model
Maybe I am bieased but I grew up in a 70% pourtugese town in CA when I was a kid.
Central Valley.
Hilmar, or Turlock?
Where I was born.
the one time i pretend not to be portuguese is when theres someone around who likes em
well hello fellow modestan
@badtanman thom is a cool looking guy
he's from trainspotting 2 right
is he in it?
no but it's in him
Yes, I had a famous name there, we were growing Almonds, but had to sell out to Blue Diamond.
Im hitting pitt and CMU with those next
We moved to WA state.
ah, i love when all the almond orchards are in bloom
@Brad Small IS A THOT