Message from @Alexinator

Discord ID: 547799406091698197

2019-02-20 00:16:04 UTC  

Also I posted the Reddit comments for this over in <#515246258571575297> since its in FeMRAdebates

2019-02-20 00:17:05 UTC  

It's a real concern that in education men are disadvantaged at every turn, having to work harder and pay more to attain anything because of their sex

2019-02-20 06:09:36 UTC  

I'm going to be looking into this soon, if anyone knows any information about these statistics please let me know. I'm off to bed rn though, shattered >.<

2019-02-20 06:09:44 UTC  

its at least good to see that people are aware

2019-02-20 06:09:57 UTC  

i do remember stories of colleges looking for men

2019-02-20 06:10:26 UTC  

there was a comission a few years ago in the US, it found some colleges favofr women, some favor men

2019-02-20 06:10:47 UTC  

i would imagine its worse now than in 2009 though

2019-02-20 06:10:57 UTC  

now that SJWism has take stronger root

2019-02-20 06:13:46 UTC  

There might be some truth to it, but I was sure that places were pretty much given discretion to ignore an overpopulation of women. Having this be true can be a good point to make when arguing against affirmative action. That's why I gotta find out more, and I also need to look at other western countries

2019-02-20 06:14:02 UTC  

Night night for now all, tc

2019-02-20 06:18:15 UTC  

If some colleges do legit provably discriminate admissions-wise against men, I'd love to know. I'm not sure it is that significant though

2019-02-20 06:27:26 UTC  

the study im talking about was from 2009

2019-02-20 06:27:35 UTC  

id be very interested to see todays stats

2019-02-20 10:06:59 UTC  

@S8N One good thing to bring up for your school is female teachers marking down boys specificlly to inflate the grades of girls. And maybe keep this in reserve as well:

2019-02-20 14:45:25 UTC  

I think we should segregate male and female students and have male teachers teach boys

2019-02-20 14:45:39 UTC  

Female teachers discriminate against male students and male teachers tend to not discriminate

2019-02-20 15:18:24 UTC  

sounds a bit extreme

2019-02-20 15:18:42 UTC  

i think that teachers should just be more moderated and controlled in terms of their freedom when teaching

2019-02-20 15:19:16 UTC  

it'd be best for the boys

2019-02-20 15:19:26 UTC  

male teachers would treat them with more respect

2019-02-20 15:19:38 UTC  

more than likely

2019-02-20 15:19:48 UTC  
2019-02-20 15:20:29 UTC  

and that

2019-02-20 15:20:34 UTC  

but i dont like the idea of resorting to segragating by gender

2019-02-20 15:20:40 UTC  

female teachers set boys up to fail

2019-02-20 15:20:48 UTC  

it seems like the only way

2019-02-20 15:52:48 UTC  

I think we should get teachers a better wage so more males, who shoulder the greater financial burden in households, will not be deterred from teaching jobs. And this would be good for female teachers too

2019-02-20 16:00:00 UTC  

My wife has a feminist co-worker, she called in last week due to large amounts of snow and didn't want to be bothered with shoveling herself out. Next day she showed up having enlisted the help of some neighbor dudes to shovel. This is the power of feminism.

2019-02-20 17:37:12 UTC  

Gotta love feminists. Men built the world they live in and in a man invented the computers they use to spew their hatred

2019-02-20 17:37:27 UTC  

If men weren't around society would completely collapse very quickly

2019-02-20 18:07:40 UTC  

I work with women a lot, and a lot of them, vast majority of them are allstars

2019-02-20 18:08:07 UTC  

It's the ones that hate on men that present the most personality or workstyle conflicts

2019-02-20 18:08:56 UTC  

Example, that same woman is angry because my wife makes more than her, the feminist stating she has a college education and deserves more money

2019-02-20 18:10:05 UTC  

My wife retorts with she has two decades of retail experience over her, and the feminist's degree is in animal control

2019-02-20 18:12:58 UTC  

This feminist is a real thorn in my wife's side, and I am always interested in hearing stories about her from another woman's perspective

2019-02-20 19:05:12 UTC  

She got dragged away by riot police :v)

2019-02-20 19:23:58 UTC  

anyone have any opinions on Shamima Begum?

2019-02-20 19:26:29 UTC  

Did she get back to UK?