Message from @Fourth stage

Discord ID: 553992422120620033

2019-03-08 05:27:09 UTC  

@Aki I’ve moved this to serious as convo in chat has moved on.

So if I’m understanding you right your not using evolutionary psychology to determine a moral system to optimise for evolutionary success rather using an understanding of evolutionary psychology to understand our current behaviours to inform policy. I don’t disagree with that. We can’t do that effectively however without an eye to the environment this is being implemented in. Understanding that people tend to be loss averse has an entirely different impact on an insurance salesman compared to an investment broker, for example, despite the massive similarities that otherwise exist between these roles in the same time period. It’s hard to imagine anything but the most superficial shit could be carried over in optimising the behaviours of people in these roles to, say, the life of a medieval merchant. Ignoring the environment or context in applying these understandings then doesnt provide an effective understanding of what the impact of these decisions would be then.

2019-03-08 05:27:12 UTC  

```You have somehow managed to detach your moral position from the material world```
That’s the thing though aki, its precisely because my morality is grounded in the material world that I dont expect we can improve ourselves morally without improving ourselves materially. Appreciating our evolutionary roots we have real difficulties acting morally with a brain wired to, without much exaggeration, chimp out. Our entire history has relied on building systems to augment our natural capacity, this is effectively what laws, contracts, cultural norms are right? External means of augmenting our decision making to make it more rational and effective. So why would we stop there? We have an increasing capacity to make in roads closer and closer to our decision making cycle and to improve our capacity not only morally, but mentally, in terms of memory, etc etc. I mean using a mobile you can access an almost unprecedented amount of information, keep track of huge amounts of events and details on a level thats just not possible with our biology alone. So why would we stop there? Given that improving and implementing this technology can make us more effective, more considerate, all around better people, is there not an imperative to extend that technology in a responsible, voluntary way even internal to the decision making cycle?

2019-03-08 05:38:19 UTC  

Engineers arn’t magicians, they cant change reality much as saying so would prolly get a certain irish fuck hot and heavy and I dont think its a substitute to a discussion of what is moral, but a means of more effectively taking action towards the moral betterment of all people. Humanism informs transhumanism, they are in the same tradition but I don’t think given our history its accurate to say that the human condition is unchanging and that the moral requirements while grounded in the same principles won’t change to reflect an inevitable shift for the better

2019-03-08 09:09:38 UTC  

@CronoSaturn _"Understanding that people tend to be loss averse has an entirely different impact on an insurance salesman compared to an investment broker, for example, despite the massive similarities that otherwise exist between these roles in the same time period. It’s hard to imagine anything but the most superficial shit could be carried over in optimising the behaviours of people in these roles to, say, the life of a medieval merchant. Ignoring the environment or context in applying these understandings then doesnt provide an effective understanding of what the impact of these decisions would be then."_

I am at a loss at what you are trying to say here. The specifics of the trade are a learned behav so your example is simply not related to what I said.

Regardless, we live in the day and age when our environment is of our own making so there are no reasons why we couldn't reshape it (both in a political and cultural sense) to better fit into what we are.

2019-03-08 09:10:12 UTC  

_"That’s the thing though aki, its precisely because my morality is grounded in the material world that I dont expect we can improve ourselves morally without improving ourselves materially."_

How can you **improve** relative morality in a material world? Who is there to judge what constitutes an improvement?

2019-03-08 09:11:45 UTC  

_"Appreciating our evolutionary roots we have real difficulties acting morally with a brain wired to, without much exaggeration, chimp out.... "_

There is no agreement on what constitutes an improvement. You can predispose people genetically to spend their whole day/whole week/whole month at work and be happy about it. You can predispose em to show hatred and disdain towards those who do not share their lifestyle. You can make em in a happy go lucky genetically predisposed slaves. Is it an improvement? It certainly is more efficient! If you feel there is something wrong with it, then maybe your morality is outdated and not designed in a lab.

The morality that you aspire to uphold is not the universal truth of the world, but a physical process that in itself can become redundant in the environment that we are proudly heading towards. People are not individuals with free will but crafty biological tools... and the individuality and personality are the result of the chaotic nature of the process that created them. When this process is no more the illusion will not be needed and "will have to be discarded" as you like to say because "it will no longer be optimal". Finally a democracy is not the universally true and moral system, but a form of organization that is optimal and sustainable in a specific environment... and it won't be sustainable anymore in the future.

2019-03-09 00:22:30 UTC  

@Aki lets review other learned behaviors...
-using the toilet
-rational thought
-making pizza

lets contrast to the suite of behaviors available to you from a purely biological standpoint...
-shitting yourself

The issue is once again aki that what we are as humans is not static as we are not simply our genes. Genetically we are highly adaptable but this comes with the drawback that unlike most animals we need to adapt to and learn nearly everything we do. Pretty much every behavior we value aki is learned. Dawkins covers off on this and much of the other ground we've discussed in "the selfish gene" and notes that genes are no longer the primary means of advancement of human society, but ideas. I agree we should better shape our environment to fit what we are, but that environment includes our body itself.

Nor do I think we need agreement or even consensus as to what constitutes an improvement any more than we do with any other technology today. I dont take a poll from joe blogs down the street if I want to get a new computer or if I want to get laser eye surgery, why should I need someone else's approval if I want to swap them out completely? Alot of your criticism seems to be levelled at the false belief that the state will be primarily responsible for adoption here despite the state having very little role whatsoever in augmentation now and there being very little reason to believe this will change in the future.

2019-03-09 00:22:32 UTC  

Will augmentations become redundant in the fullness of time just like biology itself will become redundant? probably, but making that step forward would have already been achieved at that stage and its simply a matter of repeating the process. Your right in saying that the body and nature are the cradle of the mind but a time comes when we all have to leave the cradle. Rather than abandoning their individuality and personality they will be free to become the people they always wanted to be but never had the capacity before to become.

not really seeing how democracy has anything to do with this but I agree that democracy as we see today is a product of the environment it finds itself in. I believe democratic principles will always be relevant but its very likely that the improvements that technology enables might make it differ to such an extent to make it unrecognizable. the precise implementation isnt really what we're looking for here though, its the effect and the principle

2019-03-09 09:01:53 UTC  

@CronoSaturn "lets review other learned behaviors...
-using the toilet
-rational thought
-making pizza

lets contrast to the suite of behaviors available to you from a purely biological standpoint...
-shitting yourself
-eating "

Ohhh... yeah... except the ability to learn languages and the powers to learn me is genetic, walking on two legs is genetic, socialization is genetic, rational thought is genetic. The way you presented it is very intellectually honest tho... I totes appreciate it.

_"Genetically we are highly adaptable but this comes with the drawback that unlike most animals we need to adapt to and learn nearly everything we do."_

Most animals do by your standards.

_"Nor do I think we need agreement or even consensus as to what constitutes an improvement any more than we do with any other technology today. I dont take a poll from joe blogs down the street if I want to get a new computer or if I want to get laser eye surgery, why should I need someone else's approval if I want to swap them out completely? Alot of your criticism seems to be levelled at the false belief that the state will be primarily responsible for adoption here despite the state having very little role whatsoever in augmentation now and there being very little reason to believe this will change in the future."_

No. It doesn't have to be a state. It can be done by a corpo as well.. and the way things are heading it will be done by a corpo. Regardless, I see that you aren't really willing to engage with the argument but instead just repeat the liberal mantra... So why are do you even want to have a conversation if you do not engage with the other side on an intellectually honest level?

2019-03-09 09:04:17 UTC  

_" Will augmentations become redundant in the fullness of time just like biology itself will become redundant? probably, but making that step forward would have already been achieved at that stage and its simply a matter of repeating the process. Your right in saying that the body and nature are the cradle of the mind but a time comes when we all have to leave the cradle."_

What? Ok... come on man. This is stupid. You are supposed to be an atheist... dude... there is nothing that can leave the cradle.... How can you say what you are saying and deny that you believe in a metaphysical soul?

_"Rather than abandoning their individuality and personality they will be free to become the people they always wanted to be but never had the capacity before to become. "_

They just won't be people. You don't care, however because you don't even want to define what a person is... so... yeah.

_" I **believe** democratic principles will always be relevant but its very likely that the improvements that technology enables might make it differ to such an extent to make it unrecognizable. "_

Yeah you are right... you belive.

2019-03-09 09:33:01 UTC  

```the ability to learn languages... is genetic```
I agree. That doesn't mean that the only or even best means will always be through genetics or even the genes we have now. In the same way that vacuum tubes were required for early computers function genes have been required to get us to the stage we're at today. When the equivalent of the silicon chip comes along though do you still need to be using vacuum tubes?

```I see that you aren't really willing to engage with the argument```
what have I been doing aki? what do you consider intellectually honest? help me help you here

```you are supposed to be an atheist```
technically I'm supposed to be agnostic, although recently ive been toying with the idea of more formally considering myself an atheist im ironically pretty on the fence about it. I dont think this requires a metaphysical soul, mind. what makes you think that?

```You dont want to define what a person is```
I would LOVE to have that conversation with you! Its a good question! Where would you like to start off?

2019-03-09 09:37:15 UTC  

what is this convo even about

2019-03-09 09:37:44 UTC  

transhumanism primarily

2019-03-09 09:38:40 UTC  

and im assuming you are pro-transhumanism?

2019-03-09 09:38:53 UTC  

thats right

2019-03-09 10:23:04 UTC  

@CronoSaturn _"I agree. That doesn't mean that the only or even best means will always be through genetics or even the genes we have now. In the same way that vacuum tubes were required for early computers function genes have been required to get us to the stage we're at today. When the equivalent of the silicon chip comes along though do you still need to be using vacuum tubes?"_

And here is where we agree on the state of things and can argue what should be instead of what already is... as we already are below.

_"what have I been doing aki? what do you consider intellectually honest? help me help you here"_

For examples you can start by saying if you are ok with this scenario:
"You can predispose people genetically to spend their whole day/whole week/whole month at work and be happy about it. You can predispose em to show hatred and disdain towards those who do not share their lifestyle. You can make em in a happy go lucky genetically predisposed slaves."
If you are not ok then you can tell if you think that it is possible for it to happen? If you think it is impossible for it to happen then you can tell me why you think it is impossible and if you think that it is possible you can tell me how we can prevent it and how does this scenario fit into your transhumanist philosophy. I have helped you help me and now I want you to help me help you Crono.

2019-03-09 10:23:40 UTC  

_"technically I'm supposed to be agnostic, although recently ive been toying with the idea of more formally considering myself an atheist im ironically pretty on the fence about it. I dont think this requires a metaphysical soul, mind. what makes you think that?"_

Because if there is no metaphysical soul, then there is nothing that can leave the "cradle".

_"I would LOVE to have that conversation with you! Its a good question! Where would you like to start off?"_

Sure... the human is genes + experience in an environment close to the one for which those genes were designed. The genetics component can be viewed as a probability distribution function of each allele. The individual human is the iteration of the above mentioned components whose individuality and personality makes sense only when tied to the natural processes that created him. I think it is a pretty neat general definition taking into account the chaotic nature of evolution. Do you agree? If not, then why and what would you propose instead?

2019-03-09 13:45:12 UTC  

@Aki I think it depends largely on how you frame them but my crack is this.

```predisposing people to spend x time at work and be happy```
Im ok with that so long as its the person's choice to undergo that process. I think this covers off on issues in this bucket which range from should we allow people to function properly without sleep to renting out your body for periods of time.

```predisposing them to show hatred and disdain to those who dont share their lifestyle```
Im not really ok with this and I think that the problem here isnt so much transhuman per se but simply human. Elitism and tribalism will likely carry on as humans progress and even be exacerbated as there is a very real risk this opens up the opportunity for the gap between haves and have nots to become effectively become a difference in kind. I think Bostrom's proposal of a kind of "human insurance and windfall fund" seems a practical measure to mitigate this risk. Essentially he proposes that as the research involved with many of these technologies, such as general artificial intelligence, brain-machine interfaces, etc pose an existential risk to all but also promise unfathomable prosperity it would be reasonable to agree to assign a certain percentage of the windfall beyond a certain value to those not taking part in the initial wave as compensation for the risk that this presents to them. This would also be with the understanding that they contribute to the ethical and moral guidance of such projects and give their support to the continuation of the same through means various, their contributions also likely resulting in their benefiting from the research and development during these projects. This means that projects of this kind would receive support, goodwill as well as the redundancy required to preserve humanity as a broader whole should such projects fail.

2019-03-09 13:58:40 UTC  

```happy go lucky ... predisposed slaves```
I dont know where I fall on this one as I dont see the issue being limited to gm and even from that perspective you could make the argument that we already do this to some extent sans transhumanism. Domesticated animals effectively check this box. AI arguable could and should check this box and the concern is rather that it might not. I believe though that in terms of it being implemented where it shouldn't there'll be no shortage of watchdogs monitoring that kind of thing in the way that we already have similar watchdogs monitoring the way states treat ethnic minorities or curtail the freedom of populations. I believe if anything the bar to attempt to force social conformity will be raised significantly by the technical challenges alone rather than lowered.

2019-03-09 14:19:07 UTC  

```what is people```
I think your description aligns with current experience in alot of ways but is unhelpful in understanding anything outside of that. Im not going to use my own understanding because I dont think thats particularly helpful either but Ill proffer something which hopefully is and we'll work from there. I would view a "person" as almost an algorithm of sorts or an intelligence. A set of relationships between concepts that is adaptable and has a certain kind of signature. For example, we've had a few discussions and while i've never met you in person and I'll need you to buy me dinner before we have any talk about you seeing my body I think its fair to say we both accept eachother as people and recognize a broad pattern of behavior. How intelligent that behavior is i dont know but you get my point. I think that using genes as a defining characteristic of personhood fails to capture things which we might potentially want to include morally as "people" and which act in line with what we would want of that but dont use the same genes in order to do so. I differentiate that from being "human" deliberately as we might wish to retain your definition when talking about the species as we know it but in terms of moral recognition I see personhood as being a set of software, genes just the hardware. You need a certain spec of hardware to run the software, but that achieved it really doesnt matter.

2019-03-09 20:11:02 UTC  

@CronoSaturn _"Im ok with that so long as its the person's choice to undergo that process."_

What if a zygothe gets modified?

_"Im not really ok with this and I think that the problem here isnt so much transhuman per se but simply human. Elitism and tribalism will likely carry on as humans progress and even be exacerbated as there is a very real risk this opens up the opportunity for the gap between haves and have nots to become effectively become a difference in kind..."_

I am not sure how what are you saying is related to what I wrote. You can design a slave that will be more effective at the work it is doing and be more happy and loyal to the employer. As such you won't have to pay him as much as a normal worker. Wait... you mean that you want to mitigate the income gap between the owners of the slaves and the unemployed unmodified?

2019-03-09 20:12:03 UTC  

_"I believe though that in terms of it being implemented where it shouldn't there'll be no shortage of watchdogs monitoring that kind of thing in the way that we already have similar watchdogs monitoring the way states treat ethnic minorities or curtail the freedom of populations. I believe if anything the bar to attempt to force social conformity will be raised significantly by the technical challenges alone rather than lowered."_

So you want goverments to put a muzzle on such proceder or not? If you want to then what sort of proceder do you want to exactly be delegalized?

_" I would view a "person" as almost an algorithm of sorts or an intelligence. A set of relationships between concepts that is adaptable and has a certain kind of signature."_

That won't do... an algorithm is a mathematical concept. It doesn't exists in the way a .... for a example in a way a brick does. Intelligence is merely an ability of the subject as such it is not a subject itself. Finally the last sentence is an abstraction that conveys no information.

2019-03-09 20:12:41 UTC  

_"For example, we've had a few discussions and while i've never met you in person and I'll need you to buy me dinner before we have any talk about you seeing my body I think its fair to say we both accept eachother as people and recognize a broad pattern of behavior."_

I recognize you as a person because it is natural for me to do so and interact in a way that is natural to me. I don't know anything about patterns of bahaviour that constitute you as a person.

_"I think that using genes as a defining characteristic of personhood fails to capture things which we might potentially want to include morally as "people" and which act in line with what we would want of that but dont use the same genes in order to do so."_

That is intended on my part... regardless if you think you can make a better definition that satisfies your requirements and doesn't use abstraction then I would like to hear it.

2019-03-09 20:13:11 UTC  

_"I differentiate that from being "human" deliberately as we might wish to retain your definition when talking about the species as we know it but in terms of moral recognition I see personhood as being a set of software, genes just the hardware. You need a certain spec of hardware to run the software, but that achieved it really doesnt matter."_

Softwere doesn't exists in a material sense. It is just a concept.

Also... will you tell me what you think is supposed to leave the "cradle"?

2019-03-09 23:33:01 UTC  


2019-03-09 23:51:36 UTC  

lul same

2019-03-09 23:57:25 UTC  

@CronoSaturn soooo, if we are talking about trans-humanism, how do you get around the whole, "you can't transfer someones consciousness problem"? and how could you tell if you managed it? Anyway, i think a more interesting conversation to have is about the action of copying someones brain to begin with. imagine having a digital copy of Albert Eisenstein you could talk to

2019-03-09 23:58:51 UTC  

you wouldn't have to write a book to have your ideas move forward in time without you anymore

2019-03-10 00:42:03 UTC  

So basically create an AI that has a thought process similar to yours so when you die it will live on and people can engage with it and get a response that you would've said if you were there? @Scipio Americanus

2019-03-10 02:31:34 UTC  

Moral is totally linked with logics, the problem is that its hard to find the X and the Y of an equation if you dont have any values to start with, and this is why cultures are different.

2019-03-10 03:31:43 UTC  

@snakeeater ya basically. Can you imagine what this would do to culture? The morality debates would be horrible too, is this just a program? or should we consider it [the program] like a person? If the person is still alive, is it really a copy of the person? Or a new individual entirely? the amount of questions this prompts is quite extensive.

2019-03-10 03:33:34 UTC  

if you delete this program, is it murder?

2019-03-10 03:34:09 UTC  

what if you copy and paste it?

2019-03-10 03:34:22 UTC  

Reminds me of the plot of a Metal Gear video game, Peace Walker

2019-03-10 03:35:21 UTC  

@Scipio Americanus well, it doesn't have to be "a real person" as long as it can react to what people say in a way that mimics how the original person would react to things

2019-03-10 03:35:44 UTC  

yes, but what do we consider a person?

2019-03-10 03:35:56 UTC  

thats what the question revolves around

2019-03-10 03:36:27 UTC  

Indeed, and even if you consider the copycat to be a real person, are they the SAME person as the original?

2019-03-10 03:37:01 UTC  

hmmm, you know what, i would actually say no

2019-03-10 03:37:37 UTC  

the second you turn on the program, it just received a different experience