Message from @Bird Wizard
Discord ID: 522548558453538818
And before
Europe had a concept of economy ad currency also
contact with other parts of the world via land and sea travel
Land + people = country
@Bird Wizard I said it was probably an organised society and they did have institutions, a council of elders is an institution, and infrastructure is dependent on the society they live in, the infrastructure the community created would've been shelter and whatever else
City states =/= tribal
They had that @Nikitis
which what northern europe was
northern europe had city states?
I've noticed alot of fighting over terms here
i genuinely don't know
seems silly
Northern europe for most of it's life has been a backwater tbh @Bird Wizard
A country isn't a land and a people, it's a political body
The land of the Normans
@Gas the Zoomers we all have to reach a consensus on the terms we use in order to have a correct dialectic
and yet now Northern Europe has advanced beyonf everyone in virtually no time at all
The land of the Franks
northern europe is still pretty much seen as the backwaters here in europe, and following an EXTREMELY unsustainable system that is social democracy will break them extremely rapidly @Gas the Zoomers
I hate social democracy more than any other system
Oh well
Swiss master race
it's such a cancerous snake of an ideology
In Dutch we just say "land" when referring to a country
In the end it's just a plot of land with people in it
And the romans got it from the Phoenician and other semites @Bird Wizard
Kaas ? @Nikitis
romans got it from everyone tbh
If only I was not a lowly Amerimutt I could join the Swiss master race
woe is me
swiss are mountain jews