Message from @AdorableStormtrooper

Discord ID: 523925831769391106

2018-12-16 18:10:43 UTC  

that the policies were meant to cause famine

2018-12-16 18:10:49 UTC  

it was influenced yes, directly even, in that a) the collectivisation did probably not go without problems even outside the kulaks and b) the kulaks did what they did because of the Soviet policy @Aki

2018-12-16 18:10:51 UTC  

```even mainstream historians, or sovietologists of the most recent generation, accept this```

argument from authority and a damning indictment of this narrative at the same time

2018-12-16 18:10:54 UTC  

rather than the famine being a product of policy

2018-12-16 18:11:34 UTC  

Well if you export the grains from the regions that are stariving it preety much is intentional... there is a simple cuasality here.

2018-12-16 18:11:40 UTC  

well I thought I'd appeal to historians since Soviet hard data wasn't good enough @AdorableStormtrooper

2018-12-16 18:11:55 UTC  

@Xinyue so maybe shouldn't have collectivized if the result was protests, and maybe shouldn't have collectivized in retrospect seeing that the production did not match up to the pre collectivization times just before it?

2018-12-16 18:11:56 UTC  

the export of grain was necessary to fund the further industrialization of the USSR

2018-12-16 18:12:06 UTC  

And it leads to famine.

2018-12-16 18:12:16 UTC  

It is a simple logic here.

2018-12-16 18:12:18 UTC  

Come on.

2018-12-16 18:12:18 UTC  

it would have lead to worse famine in more places otherwise

2018-12-16 18:12:25 UTC  

```the export of grain was necessary to fund the further industrialization of the USSR```

but muh ideology 😭

2018-12-16 18:12:38 UTC  

ah yes, don't collectivise, don't make things better for everyone, because a bunch of kulaks hold the rest of the population at gunpoint.

you know, the logical response is that "fuck these people they have way too much power over the country and its well-being"

2018-12-16 18:12:39 UTC  

that's literally a fact

2018-12-16 18:12:55 UTC  

ok prove it

2018-12-16 18:12:56 UTC  

the ussr was paying for industrial machinery from the west in grain because no one was accepting soviet gold

2018-12-16 18:13:23 UTC  

I have provided you with quotes and pointed out a simple causality.

2018-12-16 18:13:28 UTC  

Can you do the same?

2018-12-16 18:14:09 UTC  

because there is no real quasality here and I am not talking about the gold policies

2018-12-16 18:14:12 UTC  

@Xinyue when you see what happened after you killed all the productive small time Farmers that you call kulaks and Bourgeoisie as dehumanization tactics... the result wasn't things getting better...

you just cannot get over your ideology even if the outcome is measurably bad.

2018-12-16 18:14:42 UTC  

@Aki there is a causality

2018-12-16 18:14:47 UTC  

Small Time Farmers, you're not talking about Big 6 Banks or Farma, had too much power? @Xinyue wot

2018-12-16 18:14:56 UTC  

Ok so lets go threw it point by point.

2018-12-16 18:14:59 UTC  

you pay for goods in grain because foreign powers won't accept gold

2018-12-16 18:15:27 UTC  

and these goods are industrial goods that are used to further develop industrialized transports systems that streamline transportation and production

2018-12-16 18:15:30 UTC  

I mean it has become pretty widely known at this point, the Golden Blockade imposed upon the Soviets and whatnot

2018-12-16 18:15:53 UTC  

wow that is autistic...

2018-12-16 18:15:59 UTC  

give me stats

2018-12-16 18:16:15 UTC  

@Stern are you going to make an argument?

2018-12-16 18:16:29 UTC  

Prove to me that there would be a famine elsewhere if there wasn't a famine on Ukraine.

2018-12-16 18:16:58 UTC  

and prove to me that this cause of action couldn't have been avoided with different set of polices

2018-12-16 18:17:15 UTC  

that is a hella goalpost

2018-12-16 18:17:18 UTC  


2018-12-16 18:17:19 UTC  

it's simple causality

2018-12-16 18:17:25 UTC  

And of course once the Soviet industry had 1) developed and 2) recovered from the second world war towards the late 1940s, nothing like this happened ever again, at any part of the USSR. It very clearly was a glitch in the system as intended due to the piss-poor conditions. You can quite clearly infer that it was underdevelopment, economic isolation and of course the hickups that accumulated due to the push to industrialisation that caused this. But nothing suggests that this was intentional on the part of the Soviets.

2018-12-16 18:17:26 UTC  

as you said

2018-12-16 18:17:31 UTC  

So you have no data no statistics no nothing?

2018-12-16 18:17:44 UTC  

do I have statistics based on alternate history?

2018-12-16 18:17:44 UTC  

I'm sorry Aki, but we have let people starve because that's us making a better world by implementing Socialism.

2018-12-16 18:17:58 UTC  

I don't live in data. I don't have every page and every file open 24/7. I am not a bot, I do not at will immerse myself in the virtual space.