Message from @Orwell

Discord ID: 526978198655991829

2018-12-25 04:14:38 UTC  


2018-12-25 04:14:43 UTC  

relies on coal imports lmao

2018-12-25 04:14:46 UTC  

well they *try*

2018-12-25 04:14:47 UTC  


2018-12-25 04:14:49 UTC  

and is crippled without them

2018-12-25 04:14:53 UTC  


2018-12-25 04:16:46 UTC  

```North Korea energy production in relation to population was about same as is in South Korea in 2004–2009. The difference is in the energy import. North Korea is almost self-sufficient in energy. The energy import is very small in North Korea and 86% of primary energy use in South Korea. North Korea's population in 2009 was 23,91 million, and 48,75 million in South Korea```

they are doing some things right with their economy, but with the North being not very evenly endowed with natural resources, they can't do everything right

2018-12-25 04:18:36 UTC  

also I love how when they adopted Juche and abandoned the Marxian planning in mid 1970s, the economy literally refused to grow anymore and began to stagnate. Go. Back. TO. **MARXISM**

2018-12-25 04:19:00 UTC  

so i basically agree with almost everything, except for certain parts
i wouldn't say that the church itself is spirituality,
i think that all people's have a certain spirit which are unique to them, which they must capture and to hold dearly
i think its funny to be considered a materialist, while denying race and other things, but i guess i can't somewhat blame them, since race science wasn't as advanced as today, and also that their ideology is mainly based on economic materialism, such as capitalism itself, but differently to tear down certain hierarchies or "spooks"
fascism isn't merely spiritualism/idealism, but also pragmaticism, a synthesis of spirit/soul, and the material world

2018-12-25 04:19:08 UTC  

North Korean justicialism when

2018-12-25 04:19:33 UTC  

and i think, materialism alone is shallow, but is still important

2018-12-25 04:20:37 UTC  

@Bee Its not that it ignores race, but rather it rallies around the *species-essence* or *species-nature* (gattungswesen) which is the cornerstone of Marx's approach to human beings and which leads to its universalism. Racial differences aside, the foundational disposition and condition of man is universal and common to all of them.

2018-12-25 04:21:54 UTC  

@Xinyue i can sympathize with that, but here's where jews come in lmao. i can show you some passages which might interest you later, but can't access my books since my grandma is sleeping in my room

2018-12-25 04:22:19 UTC  

but i'll sum a little bit of it up

2018-12-25 04:22:30 UTC  

Fascism is soul crushing in my own view because it prevents from the people from coming together and becoming whole as a self-determining, sovereign community. The Marxian people's republic, the proletarian republic, allows the people - the network of individual relationships evolving in space and time - to recalibrate themselves, to harmonise themselves, in a way that a fascist state *claims* it wants but *never allows for.*

2018-12-25 04:22:53 UTC  

hey now

2018-12-25 04:22:58 UTC  


2018-12-25 04:23:00 UTC  

Peron did it

2018-12-25 04:23:01 UTC  

you cuck

2018-12-25 04:23:11 UTC  

And what is this aspect that I describe in vague terms? *Unalienated labour*

2018-12-25 04:23:13 UTC  

the whole point of fascism is the union of the state and the individual

2018-12-25 04:23:34 UTC  

And it consistently fails at this

2018-12-25 04:23:39 UTC  

its building a community so that it would encourage the individual to be the best they can be

2018-12-25 04:23:51 UTC  

look at nazi germany and italy

2018-12-25 04:23:56 UTC  

they were pretty good economically

2018-12-25 04:23:58 UTC  

dude, whats really funny is that what you're describing what communism is is what fascism is, harmony , self determination of peoples lol

2018-12-25 04:24:01 UTC  

italy sucked

2018-12-25 04:24:11 UTC  

They weren't wholesome communities of free, unalienated individuals man

2018-12-25 04:24:12 UTC  

>the people coming together and becoming whole as a self-determining, sovereign community. The Marxian people's republic, the proletarian republic, allows the people - the network of individual relationships evolving in space and time - to recalibrate themselves, to harmonise themselves, in a way that a fascist state claims it wants but never allows for.

2018-12-25 04:24:24 UTC  

they were broken at the foundation

2018-12-25 04:24:44 UTC  

you make it sound like people in nazi germany were held there against their will

2018-12-25 04:25:39 UTC this provides some insight on how much the german people actually loved hitler

2018-12-25 04:25:53 UTC  

i can show you some quotes which can probably change your mind @Xinyue later on that is
this is why i want to have lots of beefsteak nazis lol

2018-12-25 04:26:08 UTC  

@Orwell bruh stop shilling that doc lol

2018-12-25 04:26:10 UTC  

Hitler was a faggot

2018-12-25 04:26:11 UTC  

The people were fundamentally divided in Nazi Germany. 200,000 Germans fell victim to the NSDAP (not just killed necessarily, but also including sterilisations, etc) because they couldn't live up to the fitness standards of the Nazi ideology. Further, beyond the common complaints, the labour in Third Reich was *not unalienated* - capitalists still existed, private owners of the major companies and corporations still existed and the workers were still denied their power.

2018-12-25 04:26:35 UTC  

Hitler betrayed the working class

2018-12-25 04:26:38 UTC  


2018-12-25 04:26:39 UTC  

change my mind

2018-12-25 04:26:43 UTC  

Otto Strasser didn't

2018-12-25 04:27:19 UTC  

@Xinyue the state was the mediator, but, i heard that claim, but heard that was mostly during war time, not peace time