Message from @Beauregard
Discord ID: 301856271336865797
there is some school on this side of state that may get closed its admission rate is 99 percent and most dont finish kek
no like I think its Edinborough
ITT is like square 0 for how to become a permanent debt serf
Is anyone going to the auburn thing richard is having? im gonna go with a friend i think.
tbh was going to apply to fulbright for right to use/sell reform of water in developing countries then I realized would have to pause mil and then red pill hit me hard AF and then I hated all shit holes to the extreme and became glad they get BTFOd
Such things are cyclical
id like to go but im a state over and its in the middle of the week
yeah its a 6 hout drive from me, but im free all next week
read that as 6 THOT
im going to be driving with 6 thots
but yeah i want to know how many goys will be there
well if it's an alt right event and there are 6 girls, expect about 500 guys
May the most powerful bull breed! IT IS THE LAWS OF NATURE
That's actually called the RIT ratio
No joke, same shit happened there, 10 guys thirsting after 1 grille
"The ratio"
tbh if I don't get in the top 20 percent of my cohort to get honors I am going to homicide something
same at my school
Lol my school was 51 female 49 male
target rich environment.
i think there were 10 girls and 80 boys when we started out
in my year*
who care about top 20%? network, brown-nose and get a value transferrence job with the anglo and kike elite
there needs to be an all female alt right community
enough dudes to have a solid group, enough women for the hunt
went to 5 girls and 50 guys by the time we graduated
Because I have this perfection and order obsession due to German blood
last guy that had that killed himself in a bunker, good luck