Message from @EP1935

Discord ID: 424738785272659968

2018-03-17 23:41:59 UTC  

unfortunately I am carrying this tune in my head. And it won't get out. HAHAHA

2018-03-17 23:43:58 UTC  

lol thats why i picked it 😃

2018-03-17 23:44:03 UTC  


2018-03-18 00:15:06 UTC  

I hear talk we are bombing a Russian base in Syria .. maybe just talk .. idk

2018-03-18 00:16:17 UTC  

@Trace.#9012 where did you hear this?

2018-03-18 00:23:16 UTC  

They are private companies yes but can be taken over if they are a threat to national security all it takes is a person with grit to do what’s right

2018-03-18 00:25:50 UTC  

New Tweet from POTUS , hes setting the stage !!! they will all be locked up soon hopefully

2018-03-18 00:27:10 UTC  

@everyone please use this channel for general chat and social stuff guys,

2018-03-18 00:35:40 UTC  

@Deleted User Well hell then let’s do Ricky you’re so fine.. you blow my mind... there got you back

2018-03-18 00:46:53 UTC  

Someone posted it on MeWe today

2018-03-18 00:53:21 UTC  

Lol @Maga gal touché 😂

2018-03-18 00:59:36 UTC  

See the latest Q??

2018-03-18 01:00:01 UTC  

USMC activated
US (3)

2018-03-18 01:04:39 UTC  

Inter-marrying also dumbs down those families.

2018-03-18 01:08:51 UTC  

Great resource site for Q and all sorts. Includes huge maps/charts to download. 10/10.

2018-03-18 01:10:26 UTC  

NEw Q! @everyone

2018-03-18 01:10:50 UTC  


2018-03-18 01:20:17 UTC  

Help please.... new to discord... no idea how to get a message to the mods or Dustin, etc - !!! ??? HELP PLEASE SOMEONE IS UPLOADING OLD DR CORSI VIDEOS WITH NEW DATES UNDER HIS NAME FULL OF CLICKBATE!! ??? I DONT KNOW HOW TO REACH ANYONE TO HELP!! ???

2018-03-18 01:20:37 UTC  


2018-03-18 01:20:51 UTC  

On YouTube.

2018-03-18 01:21:07 UTC  

I accidentally subscribed to the imposter!

2018-03-18 01:21:44 UTC  

go to the new to discord channel we talk there

2018-03-18 01:22:02 UTC  

I think I’m read only

2018-03-18 01:23:11 UTC  

well not much we can do here, I recommend you unsubscribe, and leave comment on his channel

2018-03-18 01:24:19 UTC  

Been doing that for days, Guess I’ll let it go, just hated to see something happen and Dr Corsi get booted. Thank you

2018-03-18 01:41:18 UTC  

@Romans 6 What discord channel are you referring to?

2018-03-18 01:44:31 UTC

2018-03-18 01:50:10 UTC
Thought appropriate... im a fitzpatrick thanks to a sexy Fitzpatrick. I really need to step up my St Paddy’s day attire.

2018-03-18 02:06:54 UTC
Positive news to counteract the evil we encounter every day. Love you warriors! ❤️

2018-03-18 02:28:32 UTC  

@everyone - anybody have a "special $ interest" angle on this "clown"?

2018-03-18 02:29:35 UTC  

Believed to be tied to most recent Q drop - ie: "impeachment". Any takers that can dig something up on the congressman ?

2018-03-18 02:29:57 UTC  

Make it RAIN in Kalif ornia

2018-03-18 02:54:30 UTC  

@Irshmun He must of had brain freeze. Trump did not fire him Sessions did.

2018-03-18 03:02:56 UTC