Message from @Relic 1776

Discord ID: 454481115600781333

2018-06-07 23:09:50 UTC  

๐Ÿค ๐Ÿ‘

2018-06-07 23:12:19 UTC  

Not long to go

2018-06-07 23:12:33 UTC  
2018-06-08 00:54:37 UTC  

things appear stil to be slowly seeping out

2018-06-08 00:55:20 UTC  

repeated refs back to the massacre @ LV, and also a review of the fire that engulfed that building this time last year in England

2018-06-08 00:55:48 UTC  

well at least it makes for real live suspense

2018-06-08 01:26:11 UTC  

Dates Matter

2018-06-08 01:29:34 UTC  

Okay need help. My son and husband donโ€™t believe the American dollar will ever go down. Please someone who understands this give me sauce to back up what I am saying.

2018-06-08 01:29:50 UTC  


2018-06-08 01:31:19 UTC  

X22 report has good videos on both the economy and Q happenings. Not sure how to approach the subject though. Perhaps start with something he can agree with; inflation and explore it together.

2018-06-08 01:31:49 UTC  

lol @Maga gal you really don't want me to gothere

2018-06-08 01:32:28 UTC  

Don't look toward me, I'm Canadian, as of next week we're fked and I could never convince my wife that anything big is happening or she completely disengages from reality.. it's hard and lonely but glad I have all of you

2018-06-08 01:32:38 UTC  


2018-06-08 03:05:38 UTC  

@everyone This Grand Torino video is really interesting. If you donโ€™t have time for the whole thing, check out from 34:57 to 44:02. Tells all about the plot to drain the swamp...The rest of the video goes into LV and also the Saudis connections to the Trump admin. Really good stuff....

2018-06-08 03:05:41 UTC  

That guy Paul fenwick.....Unbelievable

2018-06-08 03:45:27 UTC  

ETS is reporting arrests are happening. Guess we'll see.

2018-06-08 03:46:25 UTC  

exciting times fam!

2018-06-08 03:50:23 UTC  

just wish he didnt mention coursi's book ๐Ÿ˜› he was in that chat group

2018-06-08 04:30:26 UTC  

coursi: Corsi sheeeesh ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

2018-06-08 04:30:45 UTC  

Thanks :)

2018-06-08 04:30:55 UTC  
2018-06-08 04:31:15 UTC  

while I got you can you plse expand ETS?

2018-06-08 04:39:31 UTC

2018-06-08 04:39:54 UTC  

At this point he will be the biggest larp if things don't pan out .

2018-06-08 04:42:16 UTC  

That has been quite a bit of promises these last several weeks.

2018-06-08 04:46:25 UTC  

anyone issues connecting to youtube ?

2018-06-08 05:06:20 UTC  

ya I saw that on drudge

2018-06-08 05:06:41 UTC  

the NYT reporters cell phone and stuff was confiscated

2018-06-08 05:10:30 UTC  

No issues here in Canada @della4

2018-06-08 05:11:15 UTC  

@creepyAnon totally bro ๐Ÿฟ

2018-06-08 05:19:23 UTC  

dhs began a program to investigate 'fake news' . a few news articles said it was to search and check out alt-right media or online media platforms for validity of truth. but oh no, they didn't expect msm to be in the cross hairs as well.

2018-06-08 05:20:12 UTC  

thats what is happening....msm is in the cross hairs first

2018-06-08 05:20:38 UTC  

seizing phones, hdds to check validity of sources

2018-06-08 05:21:20 UTC  

on other news....found a meme