Message from @Steve Angell

Discord ID: 455996399935553536

2018-06-12 06:10:15 UTC  


2018-06-12 06:11:22 UTC  

Caps the day ^^^

2018-06-12 06:12:54 UTC  

Ya great tweet

2018-06-12 06:13:01 UTC  

I wanna know what they signed! lol

2018-06-12 06:13:37 UTC  

So does Kim...

2018-06-12 06:13:50 UTC

2018-06-12 06:25:55 UTC  

I feel the 11th was disinformation by design

2018-06-12 06:26:03 UTC  

Throw the scent off

2018-06-12 06:28:50 UTC  

@Panama is there going to be an interstellar II?

2018-06-12 06:30:34 UTC  


2018-06-12 06:41:26 UTC  

I haven't seen him on for hours

2018-06-12 06:41:57 UTC  

He was teleported back to his galaxy

2018-06-12 06:45:35 UTC  

i don't want to laugh.... i don't want to laugh...

2018-06-12 06:57:39 UTC  

No comment...

2018-06-12 07:01:39 UTC  

Apparently the document they signed had Kim agree to end the war officially and comepletely denuke

2018-06-12 07:04:07 UTC  

My “Newest” “Q” Post Apple “Numbers” format spreadsheet with All pics, All publicly available “Answers” and All posts through Post 1463 is available at mega(dot)nz (With no website pop-up restrictions) (This archive contains a FULL reference to the "Numbers" file, with Exports from it to EXCEL, CSV, PDF, and a Base Picture Directory derived from the "Numbers File", along with notes for the EXCEL and CSV exports.) (If using the EXCEL or CSV Exports, Please read the Notes file first) (Since “Q” Post 1287, I have added some ‘answers’ from my own thoughts.)

The files are Here:!SuJhHBxK!kJHBzLDSyHJxajxlJrMj7g


“Use logic.

2018-06-12 07:04:18 UTC  

Gottta ask for source/documentation on that one

2018-06-12 07:05:18 UTC  


2018-06-12 07:07:34 UTC  

Yeah, I thought so..

2018-06-12 07:22:31 UTC  

Best to lay off Panama for now peeps....

2018-06-12 07:26:53 UTC  

FNC said he agreed to denuke just came on youtube very recently

2018-06-12 07:27:23 UTC  

It would make no sense to not end the war but denuke.

2018-06-12 07:30:56 UTC  

Press TV. Iran . Never thought I would see this written by them.

2018-06-12 07:31:03 UTC  

@Relic 1776 why? What’s up with Panama?

2018-06-12 07:34:56 UTC  

He's taking some flak, from like malikstotle and creepyAnon.....

2018-06-12 07:35:53 UTC  
2018-06-12 07:44:12 UTC  

Panama be cool in my book

2018-06-12 07:51:58 UTC

2018-06-12 07:52:01 UTC  

Oh he’s like in a time out? Poor Panama!

2018-06-12 07:52:52 UTC  

Maybe he had too much truth serum or something 😂

2018-06-12 09:03:36 UTC  

This press conference is straight fire

2018-06-12 09:31:09 UTC  

That was fricken awesome!!! ‼️

2018-06-12 09:36:00 UTC  

Also ya that ETS guy is just a larp I'm convinced now I'm guessing he was just hoping something would happen big the day of the summit or right before but it didnt work out for him lol.

2018-06-12 09:36:10 UTC  

Just my opinion though