Message from @creepyAnon

Discord ID: 456339331531931649

2018-06-13 05:33:12 UTC  

Yup that's me

2018-06-13 05:33:19 UTC  

No fear

2018-06-13 05:35:48 UTC  

I think Panama left the server

2018-06-13 05:37:24 UTC  

hes not on the server member list. What happened?

2018-06-13 05:38:51 UTC  

There has been some house cleaning

2018-06-13 05:39:01 UTC  


2018-06-13 05:39:05 UTC  

i thought he was a mod lol

2018-06-13 05:39:06 UTC  

@Malikstotle check the mod room

2018-06-13 05:42:42 UTC  

I dont see anything

2018-06-13 05:42:47 UTC  
2018-06-13 05:43:58 UTC  

My “Newest” “Q” Post Apple “Numbers” format spreadsheet with All pics, All publicly available “Answers” and All posts through Post 1489 is available at mega(dot)nz (With no website pop-up restrictions) (This archive contains a FULL reference to the "Numbers" file, with Exports from it to EXCEL, CSV, PDF, and a Base Picture Directory derived from the "Numbers File", along with notes for the EXCEL and CSV exports.) (If using the EXCEL or CSV Exports, Please read the Notes file first) (Since “Q” Post 1287, I have added some ‘answers’ from my own thoughts.)

The files are Here:!SuJhHBxK!kJHBzLDSyHJxajxlJrMj7g


2018-06-13 05:48:59 UTC  

left u a present in qanon documents chat

2018-06-13 05:53:02 UTC  

i like presents

2018-06-13 06:05:23 UTC  


2018-06-13 06:05:29 UTC  

we have a problem with Lisa Mei

2018-06-13 06:05:32 UTC

2018-06-13 06:05:48 UTC  

at this point, IMO only, i am putting her on watch

2018-06-13 06:08:30 UTC  

At this point I only trust Q

2018-06-13 06:08:59 UTC  

Q even said no outside comms

2018-06-13 06:09:35 UTC  

Yes Sir

2018-06-13 06:10:38 UTC  

it appears. (again IMO), based on some others as well, that Lisa mei is linked to Cicada 3301, and 3301 appears to be related to the larp that was ETA/Cheshcat..blah blah blah

2018-06-13 06:18:35 UTC  

and this:Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: bc4d59 No.1718985 📁
Jun 12 2018 17:18:26 (EST)

Reverse image search.
Think hack.
Comms dark.

2018-06-13 06:26:05 UTC  

Sure seems like it doesnt it?

2018-06-13 06:27:43 UTC  

Whidbay has its Naval Base. Naval coms and data were hacked. This launch was not supposed to happen. My 2 cents.

2018-06-13 06:40:28 UTC  

Wait i dont get whatw as wrong witht hat tweet from Lisa Mei im missing something here, looks liek shes just ripping on the MSM

2018-06-13 06:42:33 UTC  

shes re tweeting 72 seconds. which is an account pushing Cicada 3301. All the LARP accounts are pushing Cicada 3301

2018-06-13 06:43:35 UTC  

use your own judgement, but keep watching.

2018-06-13 06:45:15 UTC  

Gnite team, much love

2018-06-13 06:46:04 UTC  


2018-06-13 06:46:13 UTC  

oh ok i got you. One thing i Know is when that 72 seconds guy had a few youtube accounts he had videos titles Red_castle and Green_Castle like 2 weeks before Q said anything about it

2018-06-13 06:46:19 UTC  

so i was definitely intrigued

2018-06-13 06:47:58 UTC  

again, keep connecting dots, do your research. dont just take my word for it.

2018-06-13 06:49:31 UTC  

ya and i really didnt look much into him to be honest so I really have no clue

2018-06-13 13:51:55 UTC  

Wooo looks like ETS is officially gonezo! Lol

2018-06-13 14:14:03 UTC  

well they kept saying the movie 'they live' was a documentary

2018-06-13 14:15:55 UTC  

Always just watched eye the spy, but proofs against him right now look like a different account. or additional accounts tied to him. Starting to learn to look past the obvious. snips taken from Lisa Mei twitter account.

2018-06-13 14:17:20 UTC  

#TrustSessions Not me