Message from @lmbd

Discord ID: 460780238398423043

2018-06-25 04:12:35 UTC  

I will do some research. Thought maybe someone had something handy to throw. Cheers

2018-06-25 04:12:44 UTC  

tex, before u go

2018-06-25 04:12:57 UTC  

send ur friend that

2018-06-25 04:13:39 UTC  

first read it, then look at the pics...then u'll understand it's an eye opener

2018-06-25 04:47:44 UTC

2018-06-25 04:47:46 UTC  

@creepyAnon I hate her too!!! She’s definitely a mouth breather...

2018-06-25 05:33:08 UTC  

i might get smacked for this but - sources close to alex jones is he's full of bs

2018-06-25 07:35:50 UTC  

alex jones is bull shit

2018-06-25 10:12:22 UTC  

@Texantillidie I haven't seen a US gov't link on here, but there is a timeline of events of sorts on this server. If you start with "border" in the search bar(top right), you will see articles that relate to that. Also, type executive order/EO, judge/cages and any other key words you can think of, so you can see Trump's response and the judge shutting down his executive order. Also, "Chuck Schumer" has been quoted saying he will not support any immigrant reform because it isn't good for re-election(not exact quote). Dustin Nemos' twitter feed usually has a lot of main Twitter people's take on things. Twitter can be a way to get a good, fairly condensed, version of what was trending at that time. I am not sure exactly what you will find on here, specifically, but 'searches' in different topics headings in here should help you zero in on what you are looking for.

2018-06-25 11:01:25 UTC  

@Texantillidie Peaches dropped a tweet from TheLastRefuge that talks about three main “charities” making hundreds of millions dollars of these children. You might want to use that to redpoll so they see what it is really all about

2018-06-25 11:32:49 UTC  

@Maga gal is this what you are referring to? @Texantillidie - lots of info in this tweet...may be what you are looking for.

2018-06-25 11:41:13 UTC

2018-06-25 11:43:42 UTC  

Critical thinking is not something that comes naturally to me. This is on 8 chan(originally from Critical Thinking Asylum) and has helped me to look beyond the surface of each article/video I encounter.

2018-06-25 11:47:39 UTC  

Looks like she’s added more! Thx @Imbd

2018-06-25 11:49:40 UTC  

There’s another post where refuge talks specifically about three organizations making hundreds of millions off smuggled South Americans.

2018-06-25 11:57:49 UTC  

Oh this thread is good too! Thx.

2018-06-25 12:08:12 UTC  

You're welcome. I saw a little bit about the charities on this one. I guess I didn't go back far enough to see the charity focused tweet.

2018-06-25 12:16:09 UTC  

Lots of things being exposed, especially the money aspect on all levels; taking care of these kids is a cash cow for gov't, charities, private corps, lawyers etc.

2018-06-25 12:51:27 UTC  

Exactly. Using these tweets on FB to people that are still putting up crap about Trump separating children from families. Wake up people!

2018-06-25 13:49:12 UTC  

Qangel- Anything the deep state devils say or do, you can bet that the opposite of that is what is real and true.

2018-06-25 14:53:14 UTC  

Shall we launch #OpMaxWaters ?

2018-06-25 15:42:34 UTC  

looks like a few news outlets are reporting the same information about Jeh Johnson and their seperation policies

2018-06-25 15:42:44 UTC  

i wonder if hes trying to save his own ass because they are about to be busted on it

2018-06-25 15:43:16 UTC  

Whatever it is, its good that its getting out through other MSM channels, maybe will wake a few more up

2018-06-25 15:44:36 UTC  

so weird that people think fox is bias, yet the others arent?... they all play from the same handbook and rules! is one can be bias they all can be bias and bought out.

2018-06-25 15:48:57 UTC  

good ol'big brother, always looking out for people 😛

2018-06-25 15:49:09 UTC  


2018-06-25 15:49:49 UTC  

Perhaps he(Johnson) has been brought forward as the reasoned, rational alternative to Maxine Waters. I don't think either is on stage by accident. I'll have to see how he behaved during the IG hearings..same tone as now or rhetoric? I am curious about the purpose of Trump's tweet about the Red Hen. He chooses his tweets with care as well.

2018-06-25 15:53:17 UTC  

And this tweet here. He combined Many & Thousands

2018-06-25 15:53:38 UTC  

We know he does nothing by accident.

2018-06-25 15:54:21 UTC

2018-06-25 15:55:12 UTC  

ICE / HSI policy manuals

2018-06-25 15:57:36 UTC  

"dysfunctional" misspelling as well.

2018-06-25 16:01:16 UTC  

hopefully that means some Q today

2018-06-25 16:03:28 UTC  

Is that the typical pattern?

2018-06-25 16:03:36 UTC  

great recent video @Dustin Nemos , not a very accepted theory by some but it does have ALOT of evidence behind it.... and its important to take everything into consideration