Message from @Bleezer

Discord ID: 609812505933512716

2019-08-10 15:33:08 UTC

2019-08-10 15:33:27 UTC  

@ProVa rising

2019-08-10 15:33:38 UTC  

that looks better !

2019-08-10 15:34:25 UTC  

Old pic, but my trends are different

2019-08-10 15:35:02 UTC

2019-08-10 15:35:27 UTC  


2019-08-10 15:35:28 UTC  


2019-08-10 15:35:31 UTC  


2019-08-10 15:35:32 UTC  


2019-08-10 15:37:53 UTC  

And there we go, 1 minute later, its on top now

2019-08-10 15:38:01 UTC  

Classic twitter

2019-08-10 15:39:02 UTC  

it's laughable now..

2019-08-10 15:39:16 UTC  


2019-08-10 15:39:28 UTC  

>10k tweets
>higher then a trend with almost 70k

2019-08-10 15:39:53 UTC  

Yeah, totally not manipulated in anyway, nope, not at all

2019-08-10 15:40:00 UTC  

Whatever, demand investigations. Let them burn themselves searching for dirt on Trump

2019-08-10 15:41:07 UTC  

we got meme's to make..

2019-08-10 15:49:48 UTC  

Excellent meme, time to pump out more you fags. We have a battle to fight

2019-08-10 15:55:04 UTC  

More eyes now then ever!

2019-08-10 17:24:57 UTC  

Rumor has it she’s in Ireland

2019-08-10 18:17:11 UTC  

and this tweet makes it even more interesting

2019-08-10 21:50:08 UTC  

take the the world we smell something stanky.

2019-08-11 00:23:15 UTC  

Me thinks he’s ass it at GITMO.

2019-08-11 00:24:25 UTC  

Flew him down there for safe keeping. And tell the world he’s dead to draw people out in the open.

2019-08-11 15:51:38 UTC  

@Deleted User. That thought crossed my mind. Praying that its the case.

2019-08-11 21:46:11 UTC  

Planefags may be able confirm a flight

2019-08-12 08:56:55 UTC  

@Buck Nuts I posted that also. Was told by a couple anons it was a “hoax” Someone just edited the wiki. However it does make for a great meme..

2019-08-12 17:39:37 UTC  

@Swedish Chef Yeah I was gonna make one pairing that with the one of Qs posts that asks “ How do you get ahead of a story” No shortage of material these days that’s for sure 😁

2019-08-12 17:46:18 UTC  

Here’s another one to play with if anyone felt so inclined 😉

2019-08-12 17:53:32 UTC  

Another bad day for the “Limperals”. 🙀 👇

2019-08-12 18:12:00 UTC

2019-08-13 13:12:24 UTC  

@Bukkakemon Arrests like this prove that liberals are allergic to facts, because if they were to read the arrest list here, they would find it's majority hispanic. Makes sense being that it took place in Florida, but if it happened in Chicago I guarantee you there'd be just as many hispanics arrested for the exact same charges, except here in Illinois they'd probably list their ethnicity as "white" rather than "hispanic" like the Will County Sheriffs office does because apparently they're either fucking retarded, or are purposely listing ethnicity wrong in order to try and keep down the hispanic crime rate stats by labelling them as white when they're arrested, I went through a bunch of active warrants on their website one day, insane how many hispanics were listed as white, clearly hispanic people with brown skin, jet black hair, brown eyes, and clearly hispanic names like carlos ramundo sanchez, shit like that. fucking unbelievable

2019-08-13 13:14:16 UTC  

@Buck Nuts They use those viagra and cialis ingredients in those "rhino" and other brand "dick larger/harder/longer" pills you can buy at the gas station or smoke shop, they're adulterated with those compounds, their ingredients list is probably just bullshit I bet not even half of what's listed is even in their dumb pills

2019-08-13 18:46:10 UTC  

Though I can appreciate your outrage, and share the sentiment.
We gotta check the racist crap at the door. I’m the last one to ever try to sensor any one no matter their beliefs or POV. But we have strict guidelines regarding racist remarks and you’re outta bounds.
That being said, sounds like some decent digging. If you could list the websites and drop a link for the articles, I’d post the shit out of it...

2019-08-13 18:46:37 UTC  

Most of the Cubans in FL know what socialism is and are woke. Not sure about those arrested, but I have a feeling they play for the other team.

2019-08-13 19:13:34 UTC  

@Buck Nuts if people knew how easy it is to get pure viagra powder and make them, they would. That’s probably actual script price >$40/pill US. But a fraction of that when you roll your own.

2019-08-13 19:14:39 UTC  

Every time I hear a radio commercial for a men’s clinic or mail order pharmacy selling them I just crack up.