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In case you didn't see it on the chan... ๐
No Q posts since Monday? Or am I just looking in the wrong place?
Not sure where else to put this. It is an ad in a sense, but not to make the author rich, really for you all. There are two lessons in here that I think can help a lot in this war. If this is wrong spot for it, will understand if you move it:
Hah, o7 Whisper Cloud...Mech warrior?
Guess I liked too many posts by POTUS, Bailey Olson, Hannity, et al.
Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules:
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Enter the code you received in the โYour codeโ box and click โSubmitโ.
You will see a confirmation message that your account is now unlocked.
Once you confirm your identity, it may take up to a few minutes for your account to be unlocked.
If youโre still experiencing an issue after confirming your identity, please reply to this message and provide us with specific details of the problem you're experiencing. Weโll do our best to help!
Twitter Support
TY Buck
Not sure how many of you follow b on Twitter. Her feed is included under Top Twitter Accounts below. She has been posting A LOT of Q posts from January--still relevant, seeming to tie them all together. Very active in the last hour. Worth a look imho.
So, Twitter eventually allowed me back on....til today...this again....
Your account has been locked.
Fred Costello
What happened?
Your account appears to have exhibited automated behavior that violates the Twitter Rules. To unlock your account, please complete the steps below and confirm that you are the valid account owner.
What you can do:
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BTW, I have no phone number on the account to validate.
Check this out...Q wanted some noise? Somebody is making some noise... #balls
Missing Q posts again...there was a post on the 25th that tied back a month...regarding McCain....apparently....this BS was planned.
SC Vote to confirm coming, oh no, McCain died...sort of...regardless he won't be voting.
unfortunately I'm suspended from twitter because a couple of gay guys got offended by truth and now report all my posts as hateful.
Hey Xsana, thank you....I tried a different browser with cache cleared, created an account and was almost immediately blocked or banned.
I may need a VPN AND new account
Reading definitely works with Brave. Looks like they have me banned. Xsana would you mind searching for the account @keats272 and see if it's banned or suspended?
Nevermind...I can see my account in Brave, neither banned nor suspended...just locked in the appeal process...very strange
Looks like...I'll bet money....some snowflake liberal at twatter has me locked in the appeal process. That way, you can see all the replies to my posts, but I'll never get back least with that account MUHAHAHA Twitter pissed off the wrong guy.
I deleted previous posts that even smacked of anger. Most of my appealed tweets aren't hateful at all. Therefore, I suggest, anyone arguing with liberals should bait them, wait for them to attack you personally, then start the reporting.
I've done so...I cant send it to the @twitter because...I can't log on to twitter with an account or IP they'll recognize, but I've written them 2 emails and it's been about 48 hours now.
no, this wasn't an algorithm, this was personal
somebody on there doxxed me
his account was BANNED, and his GFs account was suspended...well they tried to yes
they put up a bunch of info they looked up, some was accurate some was not
one of the homosexual guys believed the dox which said that someone with my name was a medical Dr. (which I'm not)
so he "reported me to his medical board" and the BBB LOL
and when he did that, I lost it...I couldn't stop laughing...oh no, not your medical board!
I really let him have it for flagrant stupidity and all those tweets were reported
and about 3 more libtrolls decided that I had claimed I was a Dr.
and I kept just laughing at them...I mean my account has some of my background on it, openly...Veteran, Temple grad, BA in English...
Former Russian Linguist, TSC Sec Clearance...very much NOT a medical Dr.
TS/SCI clearance I mean
I mean....when you just keep walking into the stupid jokes, it's very hard not to laugh
my profile has a pic of me, in Berlin in 1990 at one of the last Bob Hope shows...
but newp, I'm a medical Dr. because some guy looked up my name and posted a whole bunch of stuff....thing is, some of that stuff like...certain relative names...was true...and that is clearly against Twitter rules
somebody else reported them, one account banned, another suspended....few hours later, I get 40 tweets reported for hateful content
So at first, I deleted a few, and appealed a bunch, but the appeal part is broken--I can't complete it...the last step says..."Would you like to add details?" If I try, the page just reloads., never lets me past that.
so emailed twitter support...
they suspended me 5x last year for "automated behavior"
read: liking POTUS tweets and arguing with liberals
that was just 2018, once so far this year, and now this
Xsana and T-Spin you guys are both right about the AF ๐
I've tried in multiple only option is to try to complete their appeal process, and as soon as I hit submit, all the text I entered disappears, and I have an open spot for text again
I think if I want back in, I'll need a vpn, a new email account, and Brave
same thing I get every time
I was thinkin Protonmail, but that looks good too
the 2nd account I created was working fine for about 5 mintues, then bam, right into a captcha that even when successful leaves me sitting at the I am not a robot screen
They've probably tagged anything from my IP, that's why I think I'll need a vpn
seems like brave is doing the trick with yet another account...
crossing fingers this is all I'll have to do
and that I'll get my main account back, otherwise I stay anonymous
thanks for your help ๐
they caught it again, but this time I was able to get through the captcha thanks to Brave
Hey, where did Brave come from? Looks like some kind of offshoot of Chrome?
Sorry, not sure where else to put this. I'm not very artistic, but I have ideas. Need a meme that shows Mueller's "no more indictments" with NPC humans saying somethings like #orangemanstillbad #itsanewbeginning #housejudiciary #dontneedMuellertoknowTrumpisRussianpuppet in complete denial of what was just released. Help would be appreciated
Sorry, not sure where else to put this. I'm not very artistic, but I have ideas. Need a meme that shows Mueller's "no more indictments" with NPC humans saying somethings like #orangemanstillbad #itsanewbeginning #housejudiciary #dontneedMuellertoknowTrumpisRussianpuppet in complete denial of what was just released. Help would be appreciated
along with any other really stupid shit libs are saying right now...
Request....Oracle Matrix memes for "What's really going to bake your noodle later is....." For instance, What's really going to bake your noodle later is, would they have gotten away with it had Hillary won?"
@Xsana I picked up that Matrix reference the second I read it. Now....the reference is something like, "What's really going to bake your noodle later is, would you still have broken it if I hadn't said something. So, I think what Q was saying was, when we said we were leaving the Tower, we knew you had something really stupid planned. I seriously cant understand how democrats can look themselves in the mirror these days, their party is so corrupt.
If it was 2 minutes, I must have been afk.
Bagnarok I believe that server was deleted by the owner
Obog, there's a video on youtube, I'll try to find it, I THINK it was Cordicon at a Trump Rally, where he walks the line waiting to get into a Trump Rally with a Q sign, and gets cheered almost all the way. Line was like a mile long.
Here it is
check out 9:39 in this video, looks like new Q post....annnnnnd suddenly my keyboard is typing super slow...
People on Voat saying not legit...dont know what to think
Do you guys think Q has just been quiet lately or is there something up with the 8ch board?
yeah, probably me and some mild paranoia....another guy who ran the Q bot was being attacked....I know the DS/globalists hate Q, and now I think they're really afraid of him/her too.
notice the link name... it's summer... yes it's a record....for ONE day...OMG CLIMATE CHANGE!!!
In the middle of July, Alaska managed to reach... *gasp* 80 degrees! Previous record probably 79 set in 1910
in a related story, Jeff Bezos sold one of his 4 SUVs and bought a Prius to show us how afraid he is of Climate Change
MiniAOC has exactly the wrong reaction to liberal threats...they should have made a video of her reading the threats while crying over an empty parking lot
Swedish Chef....saying technical problems
thought they banned me....AGAIN
I was just about to go say hi to Rosie O'Donnel, who...just when the Epstein flight logs are exposing all the dem scum, accused Trump of incest with Ivanka...
but they didn't have parties, just the two of them....BILL did...all Trump did was hitch a ride from Epstein's son one time...never went to Moloch Island
As soon as the evidence shows that the dems are guilty, they accuse Trump of same...
Best thing the leftist liars could do for themselves is take it down...Trump's tweets have made them look like fools, and it gives us a forum to contradict their narrative.
Would love to see it
Banned 7x, first 6, got apology emails saying, sorry we thought you were a bot. 7th one is a perm suspension, had to get new account
old school salute, havent seen that in awhile
*mind blown*
MAGARULER, that is goin up...
POTUS just pointed out Joy Villa at the Summit...SOOO cool
Twitter down again?
I can't take credit for this, but I'd like to see it used more...
,twitter trends
Here are the kinds of admins we're up against on Twitter. Keep in mind, this is the first time they told me my account was now permanently suspended. I had not broken a single one of these rules. Up until today, I kept asking them to fix the appeals process as either this happened in every browser or it wouldn't even get this far. Every time I tried to send in an appeal, the appeal would disappear and make me type it in again. I do not "aggressively follow" anyone. In fact, I don't follow anyone with whom I disagree. I do not use any automated means of tracking anyone. I have never had more than one active account. I didn't know I had been perma-banned when I created my 2nd account, so I created it in good faith in order to continue to support POTUS. Apparently, replying to a liberal is "aggressively following" even though I didn't follow them at all. The only automated means I had of replying was Twitter's notifications. So, I had been perma-banned, even though I didn't break any of the rules they accuse me of breaking, and even though their appeals process had appeared broken for months.
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