Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 512970612332036097
I discovered them on lefty/pol/ with all the Hoxhaposting.
Half the time I can't say if they're true, or made by neighbours of Albania to mock them.
Like the unfamous "Albanian virus".
They're so fucking absurd.
Enver Hoxha lol
literally who
Well I didn't post it seriously
I despise most Albanians
@Deleted User The holy crusader for orthodoxy of Marxist-Leninism.
Alone, betrayed by everyone.
Hiding in bunkers excepting invasion from revisionist Titoists, revisionists Soviets, capitalist powers, and hell even revisionist Mautists.
A real hero.
Oh that Albanian dictator who made enemies with literally everyone and built a million bunkers?
Epic, wasn't that?
@Deleted User ola sig 41 biisd ci103_vil
I’ll post it here too for safe keeping
Inb4 First and Second Reich boos.
The only French mene I know.
Was posted heavily on Ylilauta /int/.
k den.
Did someone mention Albania.
*T i m e t o p o s t c a n c e r*