Message from @Alareiks Gloriam

Discord ID: 521154840177541140

2018-12-09 01:32:14 UTC

2018-12-09 01:32:21 UTC

2018-12-09 01:32:23 UTC  

don't see resemblance

2018-12-09 01:32:28 UTC  

hang on let me take a new picture

2018-12-09 01:32:31 UTC  

maybe a better idea

2018-12-09 02:41:02 UTC  


2018-12-09 02:41:19 UTC  
2018-12-09 02:41:29 UTC  

if you'd like to know

2018-12-09 02:41:44 UTC  

jewy hair i have to say

2018-12-09 02:41:51 UTC  


2018-12-09 02:41:55 UTC  


2018-12-09 02:41:57 UTC  

curly and natty

2018-12-09 02:42:01 UTC  


2018-12-09 02:42:09 UTC  

to me it's curly to wavy

2018-12-09 02:42:23 UTC  

the complexion ain't got much on Jewish

2018-12-09 02:42:30 UTC  

but I get what you mean

2018-12-09 02:42:35 UTC  


2018-12-09 02:42:48 UTC  

when Germans, many of them, Nazi era or not had similar hair styles

2018-12-09 02:43:06 UTC

2018-12-09 02:43:10 UTC  

for example Hess

2018-12-09 02:43:16 UTC  

then that sounds a bit like nitpicking

2018-12-09 02:45:41 UTC  

either in between these

2018-12-09 02:45:56 UTC  

if you mean curly and natty... curly and wavy.. either way it needs to be checked more under growth over the next months

2018-12-09 02:46:19 UTC  

what is that term... whimsical hair...? maybe a bit like hat

2018-12-09 03:25:43 UTC

2018-12-09 04:39:50 UTC  

ha ha

2018-12-09 04:39:54 UTC  

that much is true yeah

2018-12-09 04:40:01 UTC  

Brazil is not America however

2018-12-09 04:40:23 UTC  

our culture holds Scottish type war paints, from the Amerindians

2018-12-09 04:40:26 UTC  

for example

2018-12-23 07:02:13 UTC  

Listen here, you uneuphoric asshole. How dare you criticize the great /r/atheism subreddit with your uncultured, unscientific, unDawkinetic ways? Maybe if you didn’t spend so much time worshipping your spider armed smurf monster or whatever you Catholics believe in, you’d see the truth that there is no god, only Spaghetti and the great Charles Dawkins. If you really think some great buddha is going to come help you with your stupid fucking uneuphoric problems just because you ask him to nicely, you’re dumber than you seem. On the hopefully good chance you decide to renounce your disgusting faith, well, r’amen to that, but don’t think it washes away the stupid useless shit you’ve done. Did you know that 112% of all wars are based on religion? World War 2 was because of the Jews, the Revolutionary War was because Protastents or whatever the fuck they’re called, the uneuphoric cuntnuggets, wanted to practice their stupid rituals and make believe. Without that, there would be one country in the world, a united Earth that is peaceful and absolutely perfect and futuristic. It would be just like Futurama, my favourite thing, and I wouldn’t have to use my Turanga Leela body pillow because she’d be there and love me for not being a stupid religious moron. But you’ve stopped that from happening. I hope you’re fucking happy, you’ve doomed the world, bananacock, all with your Moses and Jesus and Mohamid and Bagavad Gheeta. That’s right, I know what you people believe in, you think I haven’t studied your stupid beliefs before? I have, just to see how stupid you all are. I have over 300 confirmed lectures over the internet on why religion is literally the worst thing that’s ever happened to anything ever, including the holocaust and all the past extinction events on Earth combined.

2018-12-26 18:07:38 UTC  

My god is rape

2018-12-28 16:34:58 UTC  

So you follow Rapism

2018-12-29 13:49:13 UTC  


2019-01-01 15:24:19 UTC  

@National Trotskyist well that escalated quickly

2019-01-08 19:49:43 UTC  

as a Turk, nope

2019-01-08 21:36:52 UTC  

Both were shit

2019-01-08 22:44:59 UTC  

@Can The first is Khan Krum of the Bulgars using cup made from Emperor Nicephorus Phocas' skull.
The second is Mehmed II (or Mehmet II in modern Turkish, why isn't this form used?) of the Ottoman Turks entering Constantinople after conquering the city.

2019-01-08 22:47:12 UTC  

Bulgars were Oghur Turkic people (Chuvash in Russia are closest thing to original ones) who conquered parts of the Byzantine Empire and made their state there, freeing the Bulgarian Slavs from their rule. They converted to their religion later and later after that got assimilated by them.

2019-01-08 22:47:24 UTC  

I like it how neither the Bulgarians nor Macedonians are named after Slavic thing.