Message from @balaclavaman

Discord ID: 661379937546272794

2019-12-30 18:27:11 UTC  

You can follow his Twitter:

2019-12-30 18:30:44 UTC  

I doubt Owen was swatted. He may have had the cops called on him for being crazy and like one guy on a horse showed up, then it becomes "GUYS, THEY SWATTED ME"

2019-12-30 18:40:15 UTC  

@Deleted User Confirmed it. It's using Akamai's CDN, but there's Vimeo fingerprints all over it. The preview is coming from and the video chunks have a -vimeo suffix on the Akamai CDN subdomain. The player JS is Plyr, but the video itself is streamed from Vimeo.

2019-12-30 18:42:08 UTC  

They've removed any Vimeo references from the code that the above video referenced, but didn't change the streaming source.

2019-12-30 20:35:40 UTC  

Owen wasn't swatted, he was visited by the local Sherif for sperging while making death threats on stream. Vox exaggerated the story to discredit the people exposing him and Owen.

2019-12-30 20:37:13 UTC  

@CynicInChief good find, he thinks no one will find it just because his retarded fans can't.

2019-12-30 20:40:47 UTC  

@Deleted User I am Dread Ilk, but he's been acting more idiotic since partnering with Owen.

2019-12-30 20:42:18 UTC  

He admits to using Vimeo in DS 551. I think they're using it to avoid bandwidth costs, which are fairly large unless you use WebTorrent like BitChute or PeerTube.

2019-12-30 20:54:22 UTC  

Only “The Movement™️” could counter signal the NRA after Jack Wilson proved to the world how well concealed carry works

2019-12-30 20:55:09 UTC  

They really are nothing but racist leftists

2019-12-30 21:14:23 UTC  

Pretty much. Spencer wants the EU, just with white people.

2019-12-30 22:18:45 UTC  

@CynicInChief wait you’re a fan of that slow talking sperg?

2019-12-30 22:18:49 UTC  


2019-12-30 22:53:42 UTC  

I swear his voice can slow down time

2019-12-31 01:24:45 UTC  

It does

2019-12-31 01:25:12 UTC  

Watching a Vox video even makes entertaining people boring

2019-12-31 01:26:45 UTC  

Like when I watch mersh goofing on him on nightwave I can feel the energy just evaporate

2019-12-31 01:27:10 UTC  

@balaclavaman I've been following him since 2013. His writing is good, but I have to watch the Darkstreams on 2x or 3x speed.

2019-12-31 01:27:27 UTC  

He’s like Maddox then

2019-12-31 01:27:44 UTC  

A (supposedly) good writer

2019-12-31 01:28:01 UTC  

Who’s just plain shit in any other format

2019-12-31 01:28:14 UTC  

And who can’t take a joke at all

2019-12-31 01:28:26 UTC  

Same thing with the Great One from Cynical Libertarian Society. Slow with a lot of dead air.

2019-12-31 01:28:40 UTC  

Never heard of her

2019-12-31 01:29:21 UTC  

He used to be able to take and enjoy jokes, not sure what happened. He's always had a big ego though.

2019-12-31 01:30:34 UTC  

He changed when he sperged out at Torba over Gab, but this recent dumbassery started when he signed up with Owen.

2019-12-31 01:33:39 UTC  

That tutu photo from <#442305291774722049> was from when we raised a lot of money for a charity. Spacebunny said if we raised a certain amount, she'd run in a tutu and if we raised a larger amount Vox would too. He thought it was amusing and laughed at our ribbing him for it.

2019-12-31 01:36:57 UTC  

Same with the Rabid Puppies. We trolled the Hugos into self-destructing by nominating works like Space Raptor Butt Invasion. They changed the rules to some complicated formula to get rid of us. It was fun on a bun.

2019-12-31 04:08:18 UTC  

Dick is preparing for his turn to a gay liberal with Picoolini

2019-12-31 14:55:23 UTC  

@CynicInChief i still enjoy the good work hes done in the past, SJWs Always Lie and Irrational Atheist were both a big part of my early red pilling. I just can't get behind the grift with Owen, and the community in his blog has descended into cringey boomers who just parrot everything he says while labelling anyone a gamma for having basic critical thinking skills.

2019-12-31 16:28:30 UTC  

BallZ#5141 Similar, except I'm more loyal. Owen has always rubbed me the wrong way, and his influence on Vox has been detrimental. "Gamma" has become less of a descriptive term and more of a generic insult that nobody outside the circle understands.

2019-12-31 16:30:33 UTC  

I'm still Dread Ilk and read the blog, but I'm standing back and letting Vox be on his own for this one. If he Maddoxes himself, it'll be his own fault and that of the LLoE.

2019-12-31 16:33:16 UTC  

I used to read Vox and he's always been pleasant to me personally but his grifting and bandwagoning is obnoxious

2019-12-31 16:33:51 UTC  

I've seen him jump on every bandwagon in the past decade (the manosphere, GamerGate, Trump, ComicsGate etc.) and steadily make it worse

2019-12-31 16:34:06 UTC  

that "expanded sociosexual hierarchy" is easily one of the worst things he's ever done

2019-12-31 16:35:42 UTC  

I stopped paying him attention entirely after he tried to sue Torba. That stunt probably did more than any single thing to ruin alt-tech

2019-12-31 16:36:52 UTC  

Vox is like a little kid who is mad that kids he doesn't like are playing in the sandbox, so he takes a shit in it to ruin everyone's fun

2019-12-31 17:27:14 UTC  

Vox and his fans remind me of the Orphans gang from the movie The Warriors, within their insular bubble they think they're better than everyone, while on the outside they're irrelevant lolcows. Its very telling why he never steps out to do debates, unless its a "written debate".

2019-12-31 17:27:57 UTC  

also funny thing about the Gab lawsuit was he actually took it to court and it was rejected.

2019-12-31 18:38:04 UTC  

I gotta re-watch the Warriors