Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 484677313972142090

2018-08-30 10:34:00 UTC  

i failed a class because i had experience and knew the book was wrong but i got stuck with a 'by the book' teacher in a community college

2018-08-30 10:34:18 UTC  

common core concept just wasn't about math subjects either

2018-08-30 10:34:41 UTC  

i even took it to the admin of the dept...who knew i was right...but by the school's rules..i had to be judged in the wrong

2018-08-30 10:35:07 UTC  

common core was final phase

2018-08-30 10:35:19 UTC  

this crap has been going on for several decades

2018-08-30 10:35:47 UTC  

i got more education in real life and in the military than i got in public school

2018-08-30 10:36:26 UTC  

Oh right M, if i may add a tangent from Australia, we dont have common core but we had a federal overhaul of state education called the gonski reforms, and umbeknownst to aussies what it did was slip in a bunch of cultural marxism,requirement to teach kids about 1200 genders and white privelege etc etc

2018-08-30 10:36:44 UTC  

So its no surprise common core goes beyond what ppl realise

2018-08-30 10:38:28 UTC  

i bring a white piece of paper and a black piece of paper when ppl bring up color or white privelege bs with me

2018-08-30 10:39:35 UTC  

facts of the difference between my skin color and a white piece of paper and a black piece of paper and prove to them i'm an american, no race period

2018-08-30 10:41:37 UTC  

i got turned down for a job at the va ...not because of my merit nor privelege ....because i wasn't the nephew of the manager with no experience nor military perks, nor training in the fields

2018-08-30 10:41:39 UTC  

At one time I believe that there were numerous text book companies around the globe... if not mistaken (like many other companies/corporations) that number has dwindled to a very small few - and I believe if we look even closer at the parent companies of those that remain we may be getting close... now couple that with who influences and approves content for text books and where the bulk of that funding comes from and I think we will start to see a pretty shocking pattern.

2018-08-30 10:42:55 UTC  

history books from 1900's to right around fed was created then it got suspected to be screwed with

2018-08-30 10:43:17 UTC  

dems were in control of the nation during ww2

2018-08-30 10:43:37 UTC  

i have no idea which party was in control during ww1

2018-08-30 10:44:00 UTC  

all i know is ww1 happened right after fed got created

2018-08-30 10:44:42 UTC  

oddly enough lot of 'central' banks got created around the same time around europe as well

2018-08-30 10:45:03 UTC  

those that refused got war declared on them

2018-08-30 10:45:18 UTC  

or vice versa as history would put it

2018-08-30 10:53:59 UTC  

i suspect those sworn in on the nwo plan and have proven themselves worthy to know the real history will have the real facts

2018-08-30 10:54:36 UTC  

those of us in the truth movement don't know all the real facts but we're all working together to find it all

2018-08-30 10:56:20 UTC  

I like the old stuff... dusty books and old archives.

2018-08-30 10:56:36 UTC  

and Q is helping us all to find all the key facts

2018-08-30 10:56:42 UTC  


2018-08-30 10:57:38 UTC

2018-08-30 11:17:27 UTC  

@DB @SirW00f - "With so much at stake, how did we get into this turgid mess? In the 1980s and '90s, a feeding frenzy broke out among publishing houses as they all fought to swallow their competitors: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich bought Holt, Rinehart and Winston. Houghton Mifflin bought D.C. Heath and Co. McGraw-Hill bought Macmillan. Silver Burdett bought Ginn -- or was it Ginn that bought Silver? It doesn't matter, because soon enough both were devoured by Prentice Hall, which in turn was gobbled up by Simon & Schuster. Then, in the late '90s, even bigger corporations began circling. Almost all the familiar textbook brands of yore vanished or ended up in the bellies of just four big sharks: Pearson, a British company; Vivendi Universal, a French firm; Reed Elsevier, a British-Dutch concern; and McGraw-Hill, the lone American-owned textbook conglomerate. This concentration of money and power caused dramatic changes. In 1974, there were 22 major basal reading programs; now there are five or six. As the number of basals (in all subject areas) shrank, so did editorial staffs."

2018-08-30 12:08:03 UTC  

@Desimated re: Q drop 1953 jpgs : cycle and hammer and knights of Malta cross... Vbilt and Francis. "Their symbolism will be their down fall."

2018-08-30 12:08:16 UTC -----> *Manuel de Fonseca* & *Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg* *Dragon Court* <----

2018-08-30 12:11:36 UTC

2018-08-30 12:11:59 UTC

2018-08-30 12:12:20 UTC

2018-08-30 14:56:37 UTC  

Maybe Q is talking about Hitler not dying and living out life in South America- Nazis infiltrating America in every way - scientists making the bomb - working for major defense contractors- going to Antartica
Nazis philosophy in government.

2018-08-30 14:58:25 UTC  

Maybe all major wars funded on both sides by same people - all just making more and more money as our children are used as blood sacrifices

2018-08-30 15:09:29 UTC  

@SirW00f @Irshmun @DB .... is this the real reason for the book burnings?

2018-08-30 15:10:05 UTC  

either to reset education correctly, or, to manipulate it to their means (as they still do today)

2018-08-30 15:32:57 UTC  

We have never know the true history of the world. Library of Alexandria being burned. Council of Nicaea changing Bible. What’s in the Vatican ?

2018-08-30 15:59:25 UTC  

Antifa Terrorists in Austin, Texas Planning Extremely Violent "Paramilitary" Attacks on Patriots - Stillness in the Storm

2018-08-30 16:26:33 UTC  

@everyone Updated Q posts in <#419210947866132500>

2018-08-30 17:36:06 UTC  

@Desimated - "Tag der Arbeit" = Labor Day. "Labor" in this context relates to the three types of Socialism... many think that there is just one. Compare and Contrast different types of "socialism" and where/when/who financed what and when.... re: book burning.