Message from @iamli3

Discord ID: 489630965124169739

2018-09-13 02:31:21 UTC  

@Bleezer I’ve only been here for an hour and I can see the same thing

2018-09-13 02:34:11 UTC  

@LukeAG >I honestly have no desire to explain a joke about the Illuminati.

oh it was a joke?...

>Maybe I just continue to mistake your tone or intentions @iamli3

happens to me on a regular basis...

>but you seem rather contentious and that’s not my style.

i never wanted to argue with anyone here but you read my explanation of what has happened since i got here i didn't ask to be accused of shilling told to leave the group and getting a ban warning for something i did not understand when i was talking to another user....

>I came in here to support and be involved with patriots and have folks to shoot the sh$t with


>without fear of offending sensitive snowflakes...

too late for me on that part as i already seem to have offended everyone here.....

2018-09-13 02:37:52 UTC  

I've been here for months and came to the same conclusion 😂

2018-09-13 02:44:06 UTC  

@iamli3 With respect, if this is a common occurrence for you, than why not change your approach?

2018-09-13 02:46:16 UTC  

@That_Guy what would you suggest? i've only tried to truthfully answer the questions asked me of when i wasn't having random conversations with other users , that i was given a ban strike for by another user and then accused of seeking attention by @Bleezer above just now for talking to another user , in a public forum , gee who would have guessed....

2018-09-13 02:46:52 UTC  

Nobody here has anything to hide, therefore you can trust that people are being honest. If more than 2 people say the same thing, than maybe this could be beneficial to your. After all, you just want people to understand you right? You can't change people, just yourself.

2018-09-13 02:48:16 UTC  

@That_Guy sorry i can't make everyone i ever meet like me...

2018-09-13 02:50:01 UTC  

My suggestion is to call it a day and start tomorrow fresh. Just take into consideration what people are saying, don't be offended and make an effort to transmit your information in a different way. Nobody can make anybody do anything, its the thing about free will. Sometimes humility goes a long way.

2018-09-13 02:50:31 UTC  

@That_Guy never was i offended , you can't offend me , the issue is everyone else was offended by me

2018-09-13 02:51:49 UTC  

You're not expected to befriend everyone, the point is to find pertinent information and to present it a way that we can all understand.

2018-09-13 02:53:38 UTC  

@That_Guy well i have my videos i've already made , and @Irshmun just said that "Dustin Nemos. He wants to make sure that everybody @here has a platform to build from when/if Discord ever goes down... Ground Level... and you are invited. "

and i asked "does that make me a trusted member as dustin said then?..." with no response...

2018-09-13 02:54:09 UTC  

We are trying to build up to something here, but we are taking too much time on the same subject.

2018-09-13 02:54:21 UTC  


2018-09-13 02:55:34 UTC  

I just joined and came from reddit. Is Voat a good place to go for an alternative?

2018-09-13 02:56:33 UTC  

@iamli3 I responded, what I said is "Trust is like a house, its built brick by brick, day by day, on a solid foundation". If you ask for trust, you will likely get the opposite.

2018-09-13 02:56:57 UTC  

For right now @three_sevens yes it is

2018-09-13 02:57:32 UTC  

Are most of those from reddit going to voat?

2018-09-13 02:57:58 UTC  

Only time will tell

2018-09-13 02:58:04 UTC  

@That_Guy k well it would have helped to have a ping to know that was a message towards me...

>If you ask for trust, you will likely get the opposite.

which is another thing i was accused of very rapidly in this group to which i responded 'no you should never trust me....'

2018-09-13 02:58:04 UTC  

Thats just my personal experience @iamli3

2018-09-13 02:58:38 UTC  

@That_Guy also im still unclear if im included in that invitation for dustin's platform or not...

2018-09-13 02:59:44 UTC  

My appologies @iamli3 I was using my mobile and have since switched over to my laptop. Its easier for me to respond that way on here.

2018-09-13 03:00:05 UTC  

Is this a personal argument that should be had in pm

2018-09-13 03:00:22 UTC  

Im done, was just trying to defuse the tension.

2018-09-13 03:00:49 UTC  

@iamli3 PM me if you want to continue this conversation.

2018-09-13 03:10:16 UTC  

I think everyone is pretty much over it haha @That_Guy thanks for doing that tho!

2018-09-13 03:23:10 UTC  
2018-09-13 03:24:19 UTC  

A head's up...

2018-09-13 03:24:49 UTC  

@Cressie it's about the only ppl left they haven't banned...

2018-09-13 03:25:09 UTC  

i got an instant strike for adving my vegas shooting hoax video 2 weeks after the event happened...

2018-09-13 03:25:18 UTC  

That was from FB site.

2018-09-13 03:25:45 UTC  

@FrostyCrits i wonder how jones will reconcile that if at all...

2018-09-13 03:27:00 UTC  

A weekend to move everything to or Bit.chute?

2018-09-13 03:27:53 UTC  

Good idea

2018-09-13 03:28:02 UTC  

Look what silencing did to Tommy Robinson

2018-09-13 03:29:27 UTC  

if ur a drooling snowflake, don't look in the meme room

2018-09-13 03:29:48 UTC  


2018-09-13 03:30:30 UTC  

I'm too old to melt

2018-09-13 03:31:07 UTC  

backup everything

2018-09-13 03:31:15 UTC  

i used to tell ppl this - if i'm wearing shorts, u shouldn't be outside