Message from @Desimated

Discord ID: 491347967689883649

2018-09-17 19:47:36 UTC  

@grand_monument Some excellent decoders include Neon Revolt and Serialbrain2. Besides Dustin, just informed talk is another good one. Welcome!!

2018-09-17 19:49:08 UTC  

Thanks maga gal

2018-09-17 19:49:35 UTC  

for the Canadians ❤ we finally have our first scurrying rat to jump off the sinking ship:

2018-09-17 19:52:06 UTC  

Do you think we'll get Kavanaugh confirmed before Nov 7?

2018-09-17 19:56:39 UTC  

Yeah, I saw that! Deep state evil at work to postpone confirmation!

2018-09-17 19:58:03 UTC  

Trump needs him on SC bench before mid terms.

2018-09-17 19:58:31 UTC  

WE need him!

2018-09-17 20:02:44 UTC  

The Dems BS antics aren't going to fly with some of their voters.


May the Red Wave take them all down.

2018-09-17 20:11:58 UTC  

like a biblical flood 😉

2018-09-17 20:14:37 UTC  

@hitchhiker - This is why you have to second and third source your data posts... this is an on site account of current status.

2018-09-17 20:20:16 UTC  

all the Dems i know will not face facts. i try to slightly and gently inform them but their HATRED for Trump is so strong. Never in my life have i witnessed people so divided

2018-09-17 20:25:16 UTC  

Yup.. makes you wonder...

2018-09-17 20:25:17 UTC  

2 Timothy 3:1-5 ESV / 178 helpful votes
But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, having the appearance of godliness, but denying its power. Avoid such people.

2018-09-17 20:31:25 UTC  

i was born and raised Catholic. When i woke up, i left the church. I feel bad saying this but I dont trust any church. I only pray and ask for salvation at home. Anyone else have a similar situation?

2018-09-17 20:33:29 UTC  

Ya but the website does say there was an event at the power plant that is making it so employees are unable to enter

2018-09-17 20:33:58 UTC  

But mostly just because of flood waters

2018-09-17 20:36:38 UTC  

@Lyannawolf yup, raised catholic... father died in tragic method, made me question everything... made me search for real truth... thank god i didnt have anyone to lean on and adapt to their truth, instead if was locked off and it lead me all over and eventually landing to being just spiritual and accepting HUMANITY first over any false idol... that said, the teachings and lessons between the lines in the bible are what made me the individual i am today... and i would encourage someone to learn those lessons

2018-09-17 20:39:37 UTC  


2018-09-17 20:40:28 UTC  

The word of the Lord is living and active, sharper than any double edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow

2018-09-17 20:41:24 UTC  

i would associate that journey as the time that Jesus spent in isolation in the desert.

2018-09-17 20:42:13 UTC  

falling for the devil (narcissism) could have been all to easy... thinking about what i want and to hell with everything else...

2018-09-17 20:42:27 UTC  

not an easy thing to go through

2018-09-17 20:47:09 UTC  

I believe in God and Jesus, i just dont trust the church

2018-09-17 20:48:33 UTC  

Its hard to have these beliefs on my own though. My hubby isnt religious and our generation has turned from God in my mind and they all seem to be aethists

2018-09-17 20:50:59 UTC  

@Bleezer -
September 17, 2018 12:06 PM
Flooding resulting from Tropical Storm Florence has left Duke Energy’s Brunswick nuclear plant with limited access to the 1,200-acre complex about 30 miles south of Wilmington.
The plant has declared an “unusual event,” the lowest level of nuclear emergency, as required by Nuclear Regulatory Commission, said NRC spokesman Joey Ledford.

According to a filing listed on the NRC web site, “A hazardous event has resulted in on site conditions sufficient to prohibit the plant staff from accessing the site via personal vehicles due to flooding of local roads by Tropical Storm Florence.”
The twin-reactor nuclear plant, located 4 miles inland, is stable and poses no threat to public safety, Ledford said. The facility has off-site electricity from the power grid to cool the nuclear reactors and radioactive nuclear waste at the site.

2018-09-17 20:52:46 UTC  

can we believe this news?

2018-09-17 20:55:52 UTC  

I'd say it's pretty solid it's from Raleigh ... right up the road from the facility. It's in the news release from this afternoon I just posted above.

2018-09-17 20:59:00 UTC  

ok thanks, just concerned because my best friend lives in NC

2018-09-17 20:59:41 UTC  

@Lyannawolf as heartless as it might seem... and I've had to be very self critical on this... but thats their journey... all we can do is hope and pray that the lessons we learned in our lives haven't lead us astray... we should continue to be, as we are, without falling victim to external perceptions

It will need to be our example that people follow by their own choosing, we can be a light, but we can not grab the whip

2018-09-17 21:01:49 UTC  

my wife does not align with me politically, she was never raised religiously... but she speaks about joining a christian church as she sees the value and qualities that the catholic faith has embedded in my family... and she wants that for herself and for our future children.

2018-09-17 21:02:21 UTC  

so... 1/3 similar viewpoints... not too bad if i say so myself! lol

2018-09-17 21:24:56 UTC  

@Lyannawolf I was raised Catholic as well, and am thankful for the foundation my mom instilled in me. I consider myself Christian first , Catholic second. In exploring other Christian denominations, I have found it is what is in the heart and in the spirit of the people not the what is in the "church" that is important. Religion is all about the rules and regulations-like the pharisees, not about what is important to God. I had to learn that the hard way, and still have a lot of damage to try to undo by my "holier than thou" attitude. The more you grow your relationship with God, the more you will be a living witness to His goodness.

2018-09-17 21:29:11 UTC  

Kavanaugh news: " He sexually assaulted..." then" He attempted to sexually assault.. " "Another man witnessed.." I'm like what was a bunch of men doing in her room? lol. then " It may not be" ..." She might be weaponized.."

2018-09-17 21:41:41 UTC  

yup... C_A plant to delay

2018-09-17 21:48:30 UTC  

Trump orders feds to declassify key FISA documents, text messages in FBI Russia probe

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2018-09-17 21:50:29 UTC  

Omg the news gets better and better! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

2018-09-17 21:51:00 UTC  


2018-09-17 21:51:49 UTC  

Oh shit... i get Iron Eagle... haha Iron as in the minieral (mining) and Eagle 11

2018-09-17 21:54:27 UTC  

This made my day