Message from @HOBGOB
Discord ID: 496245580104990731
@Xenios2011 absolutely! Been doing it this entire final semester. Enjoyed it until tonight sadly. This dude...
How do I block someone? I know it’s posted but I want someone else to do the work for me 🤣
Long hold on the face
right click on his name... and block
Oh. Ha ha yeah funny🇫
Man I feel a fresh air blowing and I’m in the middle of my computer lab at school 🤣
Thanks Jesus
wasn't me
Oh boy here we go
And you watched the whole state of the union speech
In 4 minutes
Please provide proof of all the times trump used tippy top.
Its only 2 hours long
I predict Trump will say " HUGH and " Bigly" at a rally before the end of the year.. I get it viva.
In 4 minutes
viva = TROLL
Viva is on an i phone with beer fingers.
This is why we need colored names
You spelled hat tips wrong
Or *winks*
Proof is a tall order
Oh, I never found that site yet.
Everyone needs to be prepared for this to be fake, and real
Pack it in boys
Delete the discord
Delete the YouTube channels. Post on Twitter
it was fun guys.. while it lasted