Message from @HOBGOB
Discord ID: 496244391607009300
10000 doge coins
I did
Ok, Viva, I'll have to pay you in Treubig coins.. is that ok ?
Spoon feed muh!
mUh GoOgLe bRoKeN
Troll gtfo
@LukeAG - When I was in college, I would spend some time on boards while my mind was trying to work on a proof for some paper I was writing. It is good to take a break == offers the mind a chance to be creative.
Quit feeding the troll guys. Find the block button
there ya go Viva now go and troll the shit out of 8chan... good luck
@Xenios2011 absolutely! Been doing it this entire final semester. Enjoyed it until tonight sadly. This dude...
How do I block someone? I know it’s posted but I want someone else to do the work for me 🤣
Long hold on the face
right click on his name... and block
Oh. Ha ha yeah funny🇫
Man I feel a fresh air blowing and I’m in the middle of my computer lab at school 🤣
Thanks Jesus
wasn't me
Oh boy here we go
And you watched the whole state of the union speech
In 4 minutes
Please provide proof of all the times trump used tippy top.
Its only 2 hours long
I predict Trump will say " HUGH and " Bigly" at a rally before the end of the year.. I get it viva.
In 4 minutes
You must be super fast
viva = TROLL
Viva is on an i phone with beer fingers.
This is why we need colored names
You spelled hat tips wrong
Or *winks*
Proof is a tall order