Message from @Quaz [USA]
Discord ID: 496246048138985473
Oh boy here we go
And you watched the whole state of the union speech
In 4 minutes
Please provide proof of all the times trump used tippy top.
Its only 2 hours long
I predict Trump will say " HUGH and " Bigly" at a rally before the end of the year.. I get it viva.
In 4 minutes
You must be super fast
viva = TROLL
Viva is on an i phone with beer fingers.
This is why we need colored names
You spelled hat tips wrong
Or *winks*
Proof is a tall order
Oh, I never found that site yet.
Everyone needs to be prepared for this to be fake, and real
Pack it in boys
Delete the discord
Delete the YouTube channels. Post on Twitter
it was fun guys.. while it lasted
1....2...3... leave!
back to the office again.. close door on ur way out please
I think Q is disinfo and real at the same time.. The disinfo side is for the deep state to watch the left hand while the right hand punches their heads in.