Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 499067365644959774
if you know the link please share
Oh I will look for it. It's a shame that people are so doubtful when you ask them to go and look.
if such a thing existed, the entire internet would know about it
and you'd have a link readily available.
99% of the time when someone says 'go look at their site and find the link' they are fallen prey to an appeal to authority and belief in someones claims
At least that has been my experience
i hear about everything
if this were real, I'd have heard about it
Look forward to hearing your link Valsue, I'll give it an honest look
@Dustin Nemos - DM sent to you. URGENT.
It's a polite thing to open a door for anyone. SOP around here.
one story or theory i heard about the bundy ranch was they wanted the land because they found uranium on it
Yes they did
kick out the ranchers and farmers ..and strip mine the land
and basically poison the land for centuries
they coulda just done something reasonable and offered to buy the land and told them why
and even offered them land somewhere else that wasn't sitting on a gold mine of uranium
Can you see the indictments?
That's just one of them
It costs them thousands of dollars to file all these indictments.
some states offer mining rights to purchase for ur land
dem states tend to keep control of mining rights...
and lease the land area to mining co's for a cut of the profits since the state controls the mining rights
They make unconstitutional laws that aren't true. The Constitution states that any laws that are unconstitutional shall be deemed null and void.
@Deleted User i see nothing about clintons. Did a search on that page
ctrl F + Clinton keyword
valsue, i know, this is why the push for law and order by pres and to fix the gov and the nation so it's back to constitutional standards
sc majority is one phase, replacing judges and lawyers across the land that are constitutional only
u can't clean up the gov using common and constitutional law unless u have replaced the system of justice that is corrupt til it's by the constitution law only
@Dustin Nemos You can't see it?
and soon as this nation feels what it was like under true republic of by the ppl for the ppl, they will understand why this push to drain the swamp
That isnt a real court case
Oh yes it is!
who is the presiding judge?
Sirwoof just put it elegantly
This is wishful thinking, like the sovereign citizen tax protestors
but it won't get results