Message from @lmbd

Discord ID: 511712273161650176

2018-11-13 00:15:39 UTC  

It has to be National... please don't post that vid anymore - you are clogging.

2018-11-13 00:15:52 UTC  

no one has commented on this video clip whenever I post like it does not exist Back from 2012 Mex presidecial elecciones in My mexico DF.

2018-11-13 00:16:22 UTC the simplest way is this Mexican way

2018-11-13 00:16:50 UTC  

@Muscal1inNM - That was bull shit what you just did..You should do some research - get more info for yourself.

2018-11-13 00:19:01 UTC  

the 'populace' here does not appreciate the page being clogged and cluttered with a post no matter beit friend or foe

2018-11-13 00:19:14 UTC  

interferes with readability and order

2018-11-13 00:20:13 UTC  

I too have made posts and been rewarded with crickets, yet you choose to SHOUT even louder

2018-11-13 00:20:54 UTC  

perhaps the roo should 're-mod' ?

2018-11-13 00:39:41 UTC  

Mic drop

2018-11-13 00:40:07 UTC  

Don’t worry @Muscal1inNM most of my comments get crickets

2018-11-13 00:58:15 UTC  


2018-11-13 00:59:05 UTC  

Art of war? When you are strong, act weak?

2018-11-13 01:01:56 UTC  

... and make sure you have all your ducks in a row, i’s dotted and t’s crossed. Allow no wiggle room for interpretation.

2018-11-13 01:10:42 UTC  

When people don’t comment it doesn’t mean they haven’t seen it or watched it in this case @Muscal1inNM

2018-11-13 01:13:07 UTC  

@LukeAG 🦗

2018-11-13 01:13:43 UTC  


2018-11-13 01:14:04 UTC  


2018-11-13 01:14:05 UTC  

🦗 ‘s are ok.

2018-11-13 01:15:43 UTC  

Yep I’m good with em

2018-11-13 01:19:10 UTC  

OK so I dont actually see anything being done about criminal voter fraud. We all know the people of Arizona didnt actua;lly vote a communist psychopath to the senate but there it is. This is what Im talking about

2018-11-13 01:21:53 UTC  

Just because we can’t see it, doesn’t mean there is nothing being done behind the scenes

2018-11-13 01:22:51 UTC  

The longer it stays in the news, the less MSM can continue to ignore it

2018-11-13 01:23:13 UTC  

ok not sure where I should post the voter ID video

2018-11-13 01:24:26 UTC  


2018-11-13 01:24:28 UTC  

And the more average folk are exposed to information. Think of how long it took for typical people to really ID FF. Now it is part of the lexicon, same with fake news. Would you rather see immediate reaction or as close as possible to an Airtight case?

2018-11-13 01:24:34 UTC  

you already did did u not?

2018-11-13 01:25:24 UTC  

you appear to assume that no comment on it meant no interest or anyone viewing ... ??? !!! ????

2018-11-13 01:25:30 UTC  

really ?

2018-11-13 01:25:53 UTC  

well it's a theory I suppose

2018-11-13 01:26:10 UTC  

Is it a bad idea to do what Mexico does for voter Id ? or is there a voter ID board you can point me to so i dont upset any more people here pls?

2018-11-13 01:26:35 UTC  

2018-11-13 01:26:55 UTC  

@Muscal1inNM...enough with the clip already, you hammer posted it yesterday too...watched it yesterday...just because no one says anything, does not mean it hasn't been watched...chill

2018-11-13 01:27:18 UTC  

si señor. bad idea to be here

2018-11-13 01:27:38 UTC  

your choice to select your stance

2018-11-13 01:27:39 UTC  

No dont run off,

2018-11-13 01:27:50 UTC  

ours to ours

2018-11-13 01:27:58 UTC  

free choice and liberty and all

2018-11-13 01:28:20 UTC  

I agree with something, anything, better than these damn machines

2018-11-13 01:29:39 UTC  

@Muscal1inNM I don’t always comment, but I do take things to other platforms. You have shown us another option, but it doesn’t need to be reposted many times in a row. Content is good, repetitions not so much.

2018-11-13 01:40:06 UTC  

4 yrs ago issue..

2018-11-13 01:43:54 UTC  

Watched that voting system video earlier also lol but voting seems a touchy subject for now 🤣 .. I’m sure things are guaranteed to change in the American voting system after all this