Message from @dogwabone

Discord ID: 517006865230725120

2018-11-27 04:51:54 UTC  

20yr old scifi series....fiction becomes fact 20yrs later as truth comes out

2018-11-27 04:52:11 UTC  

"future proves past - Q"

2018-11-27 04:52:37 UTC  

enjoy ur red pill

2018-11-27 04:53:05 UTC  

i'm still involved in my research project of predictive programming

2018-11-27 04:54:12 UTC  

btw, have fun replaying last few mins of 5x07

2018-11-27 04:54:25 UTC  

I remember the series. I was hoping to find it in the local stores- no luck so far, but it looks like it is on Amazon.

2018-11-27 05:20:42 UTC  

it's on several pay services

2018-11-27 08:12:31 UTC
This should go around on Twitter for the ones who are asleep to see .

2018-11-27 12:33:24 UTC  

predictive programming.. or creating reality .. check out Grant Morrison and Alan Moore .. ...

2018-11-27 13:08:36 UTC  

Also Philip K Dick talked about it..

2018-11-27 13:22:17 UTC  

You'd have to redefine "Predicted".... And it's everywhere not just in Sliders but also star trek .. 2001 a space odyssey... and My pet goat.. and so on.. Magic is real.

2018-11-27 13:33:33 UTC  

And.... you can bet your life that the men who wrote the bible (and it's "predictions") knew what they where putting into our reality.

2018-11-27 14:48:33 UTC

2018-11-27 14:49:48 UTC

2018-11-27 15:52:53 UTC  

SirWOOf, I catch bits and pieces of gbaby playing vid games with friends, natural catastrophes are choices, there is a clone warrior, then the lyrics to bendy and the ink machine are disturbing, at least to me, all of this makes me think of predictive programming

2018-11-27 15:56:14 UTC  

go watch 'pink floyd - the wall' movie

2018-11-27 15:56:43 UTC  

u ain't seen nothing yet til u see that

2018-11-27 15:57:23 UTC  

and that was created in the late 70's

2018-11-27 15:57:57 UTC  

then compare the movie to whats happening now in usa prior to trump

2018-11-27 16:00:42 UTC  

yes I need to rewatch all the old movies with the eyes I have now, even the songs I used to love, I paid no attention to the real meanings, had no idea what they were talking about

2018-11-27 16:32:00 UTC  

@LowLandsPete if the men who wrote the Bible were not directly inspired by the Spirit of God in what they wrote, and it is just a collection of man made schemes, stories, ideas, and principles, then the entirety of Christianity and even Christ Himself are false and not of God nor from Him...
sorry, you can only take the power of the elite/kings of the earth, as well as the demonic forces in the spiritual realms so far before attributing too much power and influence to them.
Yes, “magic” can be real, through manifestation of spiritual entities, but no man nor spiritual entity has sovereign power of the world like God does, or they would be Him... and He would cease to be God.

2018-11-27 16:34:51 UTC  

the bible is a collection of magical stories written copied and redacted over many MANY centuries.

2018-11-27 16:36:52 UTC  

our current version is from 1611 ish

2018-11-27 16:40:40 UTC  

I personally don't believe God needs a book to communicate with us.

2018-11-27 16:55:53 UTC  

“Needs a book to communicate with us”? Nope, totally agree with you on that.
But to be able to make sure we know the difference between Him speaking to us and the other spiritual beings who are literally out to deceive and kill His creation, how would He explain to us the difference, without a physical document that exists in our physical realm?
Yes, I know you will say man has altered the books, and even that they used “magic” to manipulate and create the “prophecies” within it... but again, God would cease to be God if mere men and lower spiritual forces could thwart His work/plan in His creation (in the way the scriptures portray Him as omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent)

2018-11-27 16:56:29 UTC  

Gotta nap before a doctors appointment. Will reply later if need be 👍

2018-11-27 17:23:42 UTC  

@LukeAG The God question mankind is wondering about since forever is naturally reflected in our life reality and stories also since we started to record our thought dreams and ideas and therefor it is in our culture, history, art, scriptures and so on.. When you look at natures creation from a flower to a Galaxy you can only wonder who, how and why and for what reason. This is what i see in the bible and other religious works, far older then the bible and Christianity. We see stories like the flood based in reality where 12000 years ago something like that happened by the bible attributed to God.. Now with returning knowledge we attribute it to a comet strike.. We see teachings about moral and kindness and life and good and evil that apply to all ages and all people and all religious or not. I can see the good in that, the teachings of Jesus and people like him before and after and i doubt that he even seen himself as the only one son of God .. we all are and God is in us all. That was a radical thing to say in a time where the King was God.. and a certain group (ahum jews kuch) claimed superiority.. Nailed Him to a cross as an lesson. DO NOT revolt DO NOT question authority AND DO NOT question our God.. So to go back to the Bible as a work of men, as a historical record a moral compass a guide to "enlightenment" small parts of that is still in there it's that good, but 30/50 books are completely omitted from the bible most of them are burned into oblivion gone forever so who knows what the full bible entailed but i bet it was a much better and more coherent story, the version we are left with is a by bad men redacted shadow of what it once was or supposed to be. It's time we start adding the missing chapters again. Maybe Q is a chapter.

2018-11-27 17:37:17 UTC  

If they intended to erase all that was against their scheme, and everything you just said, they missed a TON of scriptures that completely stand opposed to the ideas of Humanism, “we are all god and god is all of us”... they missed a ton of verses where Jesus very clearly claimed to be THE son of God and that no other is from God, nor of God, and that humans are completely lost without Him. And they missed all those verses that say that man doesn’t even seek God on his own but only if the Spirit of God draws Him is he able to come back to the Father of all creation, that the heart of man is desperately wicked and evil in all its ways...
nope, if Christ was simply a good teacher, more highly evolved human, more enlightened, or trying to show us that we are all gods, His death and resurrection would have not been the central theme of the entirety of the scriptures, Genesis- Revelation. “They” would have cut out SO MUCH more than they supposedly did...

2018-11-27 17:42:33 UTC  

let me putt this one for you to ponder on... if i gave all the talent to putt into words and gave you a pen and asked you to describe God in all it's glory what would you end up with and a brush to pain the prettiest representations of what God looks like .. what would you end up with.

2018-11-27 17:43:32 UTC  

The Cross of Christ

2018-11-27 17:44:02 UTC  

It is the glory of God the Father and shows us everything about Him

2018-11-27 17:44:24 UTC  

nice one you would putt it all into one powerful sigil

2018-11-27 17:44:51 UTC  

You see you don't even need a bible

2018-11-27 17:46:21 UTC  

God is within if you ask me.. and i think your answer illustrates it.

2018-11-27 17:49:04 UTC  

But I wouldn’t understand that the Cross reveals everything about God unless I had learned about it through the scriptures. Otherwise I would have taken FOREVER to explain all my thoughts about God and painted an entire chapel ceiling to try and explain Him. It’s only because of the scriptures that I know the simplicity and complete understanding of God is found in the cross of Christ

2018-11-27 17:50:16 UTC  

Especially cuz I could talk your ear off due to my personality lol

2018-11-27 17:51:16 UTC  

discussions about religion are always fun 😁

2018-11-27 17:56:45 UTC  

Indeed 👍

2018-11-27 17:58:38 UTC  

try and say that to a muslim lol