Message from @BershaeS
Discord ID: 303033484329353217
i consider myself to be buff ninja build
acrobatic and can hit the weights hard
and do crazy ninja trick shit
ok i should eat, might catch u fools in the chat after
still laughing at these psycho texts
what am i looking for
oh is it the jew porn star
Welcome to an Islamic controlled country
@badtanman yes
that hairy cunt
she got fisted by Dmigo
Nathan "The Demigod" Dimigo
maybe fisted isnt the best term
is jek
Look at Sri Lanka
Nathan has gained major, major points in my book today
fuckin slugging that nasty hipppy porn commie
fucking shitskins got fucked off by a bunch of garbage
they are gonna go fucking nuts on spencer
hope that is well manned
Leave California and enter as an invading army when they secede
alabamas too far for me
wont even need a large army
they will destroy themselves
We've got a good team put together for Alabama. And the cops are behind us.
glad to hear
Fucking antifa... "I'm going to kick your ass, come at me nazi snowflakes! Oh my god, I'm just a girl!"
I'd love for them to go feral in AZ
instead of LARPing with airsoft and running away from a liberal fat reporter
hes white
theres plenty of reasons not to like him, no need to make stuff up