Message from @lmbd

Discord ID: 520453400673124354

2018-12-06 20:10:03 UTC  
2018-12-06 20:10:13 UTC  

and another one bites the dust

2018-12-06 20:10:26 UTC  

cant wait till people complain on my fb for posting this FACT

2018-12-06 21:45:51 UTC  

When is this going to end? And why the train and not the trash and be compacted.

2018-12-06 21:58:25 UTC  

Criminal bush getting too much recognition. It's been weeks.

2018-12-06 22:00:05 UTC  

milking the crap out of it

2018-12-06 22:28:32 UTC  

Taking him into the woods now for their private satanic ceremony I'm sure

2018-12-06 22:40:19 UTC  

All of these closed caskets... in the past when people laid in state they propped them up and had a glass cover - especially since it was supposedly only last Fri. Would be interesting to know if his cardiologist was about to spill da beans back in July when he was shot in a "bike to bike" drive by shooting.

2018-12-06 23:58:18 UTC  

This is a year old, but i never saw it. It’s pretty cool...

2018-12-07 01:16:52 UTC  

God how I love being months ahead of the lame street media talking head meat puppets!

2018-12-07 02:12:23 UTC  

Is anyone watching hannity? That john Solomon guy just confirmed a like 4 or 5 q things just now

2018-12-07 02:12:47 UTC  

Are those french protestors??? That's awesome

2018-12-07 04:12:32 UTC Perfect irony that Ivanka Trump is writing this for the Washington Post 😁

2018-12-07 04:16:00 UTC  
2018-12-07 04:21:47 UTC  

how to perform a raid under a ff

2018-12-07 04:22:18 UTC  

using the tools and tricks of ur enemy against them

2018-12-07 04:53:24 UTC  

James Woods is spot on almost always.

2018-12-07 05:19:29 UTC  

This got me freaking pumped

2018-12-07 05:42:36 UTC  

i guess they found what they needed

2018-12-07 05:48:08 UTC  

That's crazy... can't wait to see who doesnt show up to work tomorrow

2018-12-07 06:08:30 UTC  

Anyone know anyone that’s been inside club 33 in Disneyland? I’ve seen it, but I never knew it had access to underground tunnels....

2018-12-07 06:22:10 UTC  

Some of the youtube videos im seeing are saying Q is telling us that they as in the Q team control the MSM narrative from now on?

2018-12-07 06:28:33 UTC  

Interesting... any specifics they are basing it on?

2018-12-07 06:31:21 UTC  

idk i was scroling through them ill link later if i find the specific one im thinking of

2018-12-07 06:31:35 UTC  

i was hoping someone else maybe had seen what i saw 😂

2018-12-07 06:51:33 UTC  

wait till you here it from Q. too much wild speculation, innuendo, and nonsense out there right now... trust the REAL plan and be ready to see what Huber says... too much bubble gum swapping and scoop hustling fame seekers around.