Message from @Riggy17 (UK)

Discord ID: 523282632507916289

2018-12-14 23:09:17 UTC  

My research is only the drop .. and i will watch the anons video later see what they come up with

2018-12-14 23:09:47 UTC  

Been at this along time here M8... wish you well.

2018-12-14 23:12:11 UTC  

I give you credit all the time .. I never disrespected you .. in pointing out what I seen in the drop .. and I have not watched the video yet i shared it but I have seen too many coincidences on the videos .. this woman has done there’s a full team of them doing it so not just one view

2018-12-14 23:12:21 UTC  

This is not a Game.

2018-12-14 23:12:30 UTC  

@Riggy17 (UK) If you look at the Q posts, anything that is an abbreviation is underlined with dots. If you scroll over it, the full name of the person or entity will show up. It is a way to help people understand who/what is being referenced. There used to be a list of abbreviations, but this is easier and stays within the drops . Jr is an already recognized abbreviation, therefore not underlined

2018-12-14 23:12:49 UTC  

It’s a game for us lol we have zero power .. for Q and potus I agree it’s not a game

2018-12-14 23:13:11 UTC  

We are just guessers/researchers

2018-12-14 23:15:03 UTC  

With all due respect M8... you are showing your naïveté.

2018-12-14 23:15:07 UTC  

Thanks @lmbd 👍 I’m not a De coder etc i just watch what i can and take from drops what I can and the fact the number below jfk was 22 just can’t be coincidence

2018-12-14 23:16:17 UTC  

Why am i? Because i think Q has played a trick here ? Stop trying drag me down mate not working i never claimed to be a expert or good researcher it’s simply my view

2018-12-14 23:17:07 UTC  

So, I'm all about "more information" when it comes to actually researching Q and I recognize how difficult it is to get into this rushing river mid or 3/4 stream - especially if you haven't been here since the beginning/launch. The Q comms are obviously "key" to understand, the abbreviations that Q uses, the date and time stamps, the links to supporting data sets (designed to give researchers a launch point to pick up the trail), and the concept of "future proves past". Q has mentioned numerous times for people to "think" for themselves - "research" for themselves - and cautioned against click bait and fake news. With that being said... If you are here and you base all of your research on somebody else's concept/opinion/information stemming from a YouTube channel or 4 min video clip... (Read this VERY carefully) You will NEVER catch up.... Never. People gravitate to what they know/understand something about... what is easiest, quickest, and things that seem to fit into some sort of logical order... like a movie. A movie has a beginning, middle, end - a movie has a villain and a hero... and typically a happy ending. Let us take for example... the Q&A this week. How many videos on YouTube repeated in a proverbial echo chamber... videos about flat earth and Jfk Jr. for example? Do you see where I'm going with this?

2018-12-14 23:17:50 UTC  

You tube vids are great supplemental data to your research... but they are NOT to be considered the basis for your research. I've watched so many solid researchers and newly christened Q followers get spun out because they followed the "shiny objects" placed carefully in the middle of the path to distract, confuse, and throw folks off of a hot trail based on Q drops. Payseur, Jfk jr., Flat Earth, and others - passed back and forth and all around as gospel.

If you have a Youtube channel and are reading this right now... You have a specific responsibility to anybody that watches one of your videos.
Let that sink in for a second... YOU have a responsibility.

To make sure that the information that you are putting out there is accurate, factual, and not just something you "heard/watched" on another vid channel. Stop seeking notoriety... and start seeking truth - because people are depending on your information. Spend some actual time "digging deep" into your next vid subject for yourself. If you don't know how to research... you probably should learn.

For those that are reading this that "do not" have a youtube channel... you have a responsibility too.

You are responsible for what you post... there are many following right behind you that are counting on getting good information... if you post "shiny objects" with out looking into them for yourselves... you are basically enabling the cycle.

Please understand that there are people on the vid channels (and here) that are not what they appear to be. We call them disinformation agents...(you might know them as trolls) their job is to confuse and turn people in different directions - learn to recognize them for what they are.
If you are reading this... Thank you. If you want to learn more but don't know how... find as many good interactive platforms with solid researchers and more info out there.

2018-12-14 23:17:56 UTC  

Help call out fake news, Fake Maga, and fake vids out there. Please pardon if this came across as "preachy" - but I'm watching the posts here slowly degrade and digress into a repeating pattern... dig a little deeper, keep the faith, find the truth, and continue to fight like the warrior poet patriots that you are. WWG1,WGA!

2018-12-14 23:20:50 UTC  

after q said the earth wasn't flat, there was a surge in flat earther vids on yt .....pushing the flat earth narrative, not getting pissed at q nor trying to defend their position against q

2018-12-14 23:22:26 UTC  

I said what I had to say... feel free to pick over the bones.

2018-12-14 23:23:53 UTC  

Lol there’s a lot of them working on this Kelliann is just the face for it all .. so call it whatever you want .. I’m not trying to CONVINCE one person in here .. I’m just showing people who lost there hope in jfk jr to make there own mind up if they believed in it because I’m sure this video is going to have great points in it .. she got her name called out on the board as an anon that kept her going .. she’s a true patriot real maga weather she’s gone down the wrong rabbit hole or not .. i have seen to much for a Q drop with JFK underlined and the code below adding to 22 put me off this late in

2018-12-14 23:24:44 UTC  

been on the net for over 20yrs

2018-12-14 23:25:04 UTC  

theres plenty of information out there, trust me...u just have to look for it

2018-12-14 23:26:40 UTC  

Even the WWG1WGA Bell was on his boat etc I believe .. too much points back to him to lose hope over 1 drop .. probably that drop has lots in it but it’s a 2 hour video so I’m not watching yet what else they have found

2018-12-14 23:29:38 UTC  

i'm just waiting for the wall of false-narrative to finally crash and see justice come to the world that desperately needs it

2018-12-14 23:38:21 UTC  

Agree @SirW00f mate I thought fox having that headline was a huge deal .. usually deep state in itself is a conspiracy lol .. they know if arrests start happening and they act like they didn’t know surely everyone wakes up ? Unless they try turn the left against the patriots even more over the arrests 🤣🙈 .. but it’s time MSM have to try save themselves Left this one a bit late have they

2018-12-14 23:39:27 UTC  

Be some crazy red pilling for the left if all there favourites start getting pulled in to trials for sure

2018-12-14 23:40:56 UTC  

the left and right both need red pilling, it's the middle that has been stockpiling on the red pills

2018-12-14 23:42:22 UTC  

Yep true .. my bad .. a different view and you are automatically now classed as right wing here 🤣 .. I forget use still have middle ground

2018-12-14 23:49:43 UTC  

ya my dad kind of coming around to Q i show him the drops but he refuses to believe the Bush's are a crime family

2018-12-14 23:49:58 UTC  

Old school repub you know, cant get upset about it

2018-12-14 23:51:55 UTC  

There will be a day it’s unavoidable soon surely do you think ? @Bleezer MSM need to begin attacking if they want to stay up and running in my opinion

2018-12-14 23:52:57 UTC  

So basically Fox News saying Clinton’s etc are the deep state does that mean Rothschild etc just disowned Clinton’s ? Surely news like that had to pass high high up ?

2018-12-14 23:56:39 UTC  

Well Q said Hillarys "strings were cut" like over a year ago. So she been danglin in the wind for a while now

2018-12-15 00:08:27 UTC  

I did see a photo of her with the Rothschild etc not to long ago but they will not mind losing any politicians i doubt .. sure there next one is already lined up lol

2018-12-15 00:31:28 UTC  

The exposure started with the bottom and is working it’s way up the chain.

2018-12-15 00:37:12 UTC  
2018-12-15 01:45:51 UTC  

Hi everybody! I don't know how much infowars can be trusted, but there is an article in their site about French generals accusing president Macron of treason over UN migration pact

2018-12-15 01:47:28 UTC  

Awesome rant! @Irshmun

2018-12-15 01:50:08 UTC  

@One soul me
I don't Trust Infowars anymore, but as a gatekeeper they have to use some truth in their disinformation campaigns. The Generals accusing Macron seems to be legit intel but I could be wrong, this channel reported to the same thing though

2018-12-15 01:54:37 UTC  

@LukeAG that's why I expressed the doubt with posting the article

2018-12-15 01:55:05 UTC  

@LukeAG maybe it's true then

2018-12-15 01:57:01 UTC  

Yep that's why I posted the other video, to possibly confirm the validity of Infowars report. Crazy awesome if it is true!

2018-12-15 02:02:35 UTC  

I live in USA many years, but originally I am from Lithuania, which appears to be the most corrupt country in EU. Our president is former KGB agent (maybe still is) diligently working for cabal - what a combination! LT House just send their minister to sign that terrible pact, and they made a decision secretly and fast without even telling people about that. LT needs Qx10 to crush that evil's nest of the government