Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 529187645910155274

2018-12-31 01:50:37 UTC  

good call

2018-12-31 02:21:09 UTC  

This is the most important part of my post- Read it a few times- My concern is to educate-let people prep- proper prepping- many do not understand what that entails. If you have dependents it hits home- If this feels like a scare tactic- it is not- I study Geo-politics a lot- and the writing is on the wall- Why do you think Trump Mentioned the Chinese is the bigger threat- He knows- but the population does not- not the majority. I have worked on the Cal fires immensely, as many of you have. Studied those satellites, knew the DEW was targeted from military bases on the west coast. On other thinking, Weinstein- and her cronies Trump is breaking the money wheel- this, as you may well know, has cause and effect. So take it as you may, but educate the public, help Trump to expose on his behalf. I will continue to stockpile, and tend to the issue at hand. God Speed, and if we are doomed. May the gates be open for all you patriots. Amen

2018-12-31 03:38:07 UTC  

1) Trii.bunes begin in one wee (stop). Mattis retirement will be January 1st vs. in 2mnths (stop). 2) Kelly, Mttis, Rogers and ??? 3)Reason POTUS flew out of country had to for Global reset(stop) .4)Mex Navy subs has Nucleur weapons have been since 60's can be deployed on Mex. ships (stop) The Rothchilds , Mossad, Vatican, and DS behind it (stop) 5) The Rothilds and Khazarian Mafia have not been able to kill this highly respected whistleblowers 6) Two barges have arrived at Gitmo (stop) Sauce: Abel Danger and Godsmack

2018-12-31 03:54:23 UTC  

(Stop) 🤓💯

2018-12-31 04:12:39 UTC  

#2 Sessions?

2018-12-31 04:21:06 UTC  

That's what I think, maybe Gowdy?

2018-12-31 04:21:23 UTC  
2018-12-31 04:29:26 UTC  

IDK. For military tribunals, would he have to have a military background? I don’t think he does. So far I can’t find anything about him being in the military. “A military tribunal is an inquisitorial system based on charges brought by military authorities, prosecuted by a military authority, judged by military officers, and sentenced by military officers against a member of an enemy army.”

2018-12-31 04:30:40 UTC  

Gowdy doesn't look good on the Clinton email investigation, are they ultimately going for IRS and RICO act stuff instead of full on treason charges?
I mean whatever gets the job done at this point.. I just feel like history is avoiding the obvious and will remember this piece of shit so much better than it should leaving the door open for this crap again in my lifetime.. no friggin way dude.
Hang them publicly.

2018-12-31 04:31:26 UTC  

That just seems off the bead for a MI tribunal.

2018-12-31 04:32:05 UTC  

Got to be a military statute that leads to treason

2018-12-31 04:32:14 UTC  

If they get tried and convicted on those charges, could they also be tried on treason at a later date?

2018-12-31 04:33:34 UTC  

I think they're looking at military charges, then federal and ultimately civil charges

2018-12-31 04:35:17 UTC  

Perhaps the general public would be more accepting of financial charges, at least to begin with? I think their fans would freak at treason with the narrative the MSM has been spinning about POTUS.

2018-12-31 04:36:07 UTC  

I am giving my opinion, not something to be taken as fact.

2018-12-31 04:36:36 UTC  

I am way more in the dark than many of you.

2018-12-31 05:56:23 UTC  

Gowdy is just a curious opinion for me @lmbd but I heard from a few channels on YT that they could put civilians on the tribunal board, or whatever it's called. Just curious. If you're in the dark then I'm in absolute lack of light lol

2018-12-31 05:56:51 UTC  


2018-12-31 06:11:30 UTC  

Nobody has it all put together but I'm damn suspicious of a few people I used to be associated with in the overall scope of things..

2018-12-31 09:09:37 UTC  

Remember...there is no such thing as darkness...only the absence of light.

2018-12-31 10:25:44 UTC  

only thing i want to see is the post new year's arrests in public and msm can't change the news anymore to hide the truth

2018-12-31 10:45:53 UTC  

and the odd thing is their 2 primary defense missile suppliers are christian

2018-12-31 10:47:12 UTC  

btw, it's spreading in china too...

2018-12-31 10:48:50 UTC  

I think they prefer russian tech

2018-12-31 10:49:56 UTC  

i think they would prefer anything that doesn't have a remote back door to by the potential seller's nation to theirs

2018-12-31 11:00:02 UTC  

They are still trying to determine who and where the BUK rocket that shot the MH17 plane down over Ukraine came from.. kinda proofs that point @SirW00f

2018-12-31 12:28:02 UTC  

Let’s see if another city is targeted tonight in EU .. would not be surprised .. France seems like the place to celebrate new year lol 💯

2018-12-31 13:17:36 UTC  

lot of resistance in Iran

2018-12-31 13:22:03 UTC  

Frankfurt Germany looks more like Baghdad ... "wir schaffen das"

2018-12-31 13:22:29 UTC