Message from @SirW00f

Discord ID: 537481752000725048

2019-01-23 02:27:41 UTC  


2019-01-23 03:06:34 UTC  

a journalist is somebody that is supposed to report the news, unfortunately, msm never understood that part

2019-01-23 03:23:08 UTC  

Hey ya'll. Time is still out of my control, but do think of all of you on occasion. Keep up the good work.

2019-01-23 03:36:15 UTC  

@Irshmun you’re hilarious! Yes we have that room. Also, I think I want to make myself available to all parents to be wondering how to deal with the ridiculous harassment to vaccinate at birth - including the Vit K shot. People can dm me or submit queries in <#429560203390877706>.

2019-01-23 03:40:31 UTC  

Also, Health Ranger is one we followed after the Las Vegas shooting. He was very legit and into natural health. We then discovered Dustin about the same time. My reservations about Mike Adams are purely based on his connection to Alex Jones, but in his defense, I think he’s playing along in order to keep an intel channel open, so to speak. Some of us draw a hard line on AJ so I can appreciate any opinions on Health Ranger.

2019-01-23 03:40:51 UTC  


2019-01-23 03:42:47 UTC  

vitamin k - makes u more prone to ketamine addiction?

2019-01-23 03:43:18 UTC  

seriously, u think theres true vitamin research going on

2019-01-23 03:43:55 UTC  

with big pharma supporting it

2019-01-23 03:54:02 UTC  

decades of normal milk products...then all of the sudden we get soy then almond milk..then eventually hemp milk

2019-01-23 03:54:23 UTC  

the we ppl from other countries complaining about our normal milk

2019-01-23 03:54:33 UTC  

then we get a2 milk

2019-01-23 03:55:14 UTC  

Vitamin K is administered to infants in such a high super dose that is TOTALLY unnecessary. 1 in 100k infants will be affected by a brain bleed if not given the shot...1 in 105k given that super dose will get leukemia. The doctors refuse to split/reduce the dose. Also of note is that the vitamin k shot was introduced to prevent deaths from brain bleeds back when forceps were routinely used to pull a baby out of the birth canal. The force of the forceps caused bruising, oftentimes with horrific loss. Since medicine advanced a bit, we no longer routinely use forceps, yet we still administer the shot (they try). Yes - I was released from the hospital after the birth of my child because I told the doctors in my most psychotically calm tone thatif they administered the shot, and my baby got leukemia, I’d come and find every single person on the floor and make them pay for it.

2019-01-23 03:55:30 UTC  

Don’t f with my kid 🤷‍♀️

2019-01-23 03:55:47 UTC  

and everybody that got 'lactose intolerant' from normal milk....have no problems from a2 milk

2019-01-23 04:00:35 UTC  

ok, got a few mins...puppy wants snuggles

2019-01-23 04:01:06 UTC  

About the kid from Coventry Catholic school - incident with elder Native American. Clearly viral “look here not there” news. It’s actually a good opportunity for people to realize how quick they are to rush to judgement over a hat they are likening to a KKK hood. Seriously bogus.

2019-01-23 04:01:52 UTC  

was bogus...the proof was going viral faster than the fake was

2019-01-23 04:02:20 UTC  

translation - we out number them

2019-01-23 04:02:24 UTC  

Spicy chicken nugget is an idiot....what a stupid thing to say

2019-01-23 04:04:03 UTC  

i'm in twitter jail for - 'suggesting that dogs trained to fight other dogs are put down but their owners get a slap on the wrist, i think they deserve to be put down as well'

2019-01-23 04:04:17 UTC  

I spent some time on FB which I rarely do with these incidents but definitely made my point. And it was a Dem who posted a Joe Rogan video that if you listen to the whole thing was actually good.

2019-01-23 04:39:33 UTC  

@Maga gal #8069 I have quite a bit of experience with itchy rescue dogs .. German Sheppard rescues and thing I’ve found is bathing in pine tar soap .. you don’t want to bath them to much as it removes the natural acid balance of their skin .. not more than every two weeks at most also trying to remember the homeopathic remedy’s I used .. will let u know when I do 🤩

2019-01-23 04:41:58 UTC  

@Irshmun good points about heath ranger .. I appreciate anyone using their spidy sense so I will pay more attention to what’s going on with him.. he’s not a main guy in my attention spectrum..thanks

2019-01-23 04:44:58 UTC  

left a vid in research open

2019-01-23 04:45:16 UTC  

please watch with a clear woke mind

2019-01-23 05:09:40 UTC  


2019-01-23 05:39:00 UTC  

it's Luke

2019-01-23 05:41:59 UTC  


2019-01-23 05:43:44 UTC  
2019-01-23 05:47:06 UTC  

yep, there was a quote from you much earlier, but my thing had not caught up

2019-01-23 05:48:50 UTC  

Ah, gotcha

2019-01-23 06:21:40 UTC  

FEDS DROP BOMBSHELL: Comey & Lynch Colluded with Clinton Campaign to Entrap, Wiretap Trump; Illegal Scheme Involved Entire U.S. Intel Community – True Pundit