Message from @Convo
Discord ID: 303290372182769674
"No, flathead"
super eso berry
Wow just wow, I can't. German state flags are literally racist and hateful
Ayyyy nog shooting up cleveland happy easter
PSA for those living in Cleveland, there is a massive manhunt underway to find a man who is out shooting people.
Butchered in the fall, most hams were prepared and allowed to properly cure over the winter to further develop their flavor. This was a particularly important food source this time of year in some parts of the world where the rest of the stored meat would have already been eaten, with little other meat of any real quality available. This was the case in North America where the other traditional spring meat, lamb, was (and still is) less in vogue, which is also why eating ham on Easter in North America is much more popular than other regions where Easter is celebrated.
I hate it when stupid ass THOTs are like " i dislike ignorant people that can't see other points of view". Bitch I'm more educated than you and I know the other point of view is a crock of shit and I have no concern on listening to hear their BS
Tfw a nigger
tfw no one will say shit about this shooting since its a nog
What I don't understand, is the propensity for niggers to livestream their crimes.
Cnn won't report race
The apb is height
Bald with beard
Driving white or cream vehicle
Doesn't mention race at all
You need race to track a criminal down...
It's the quickest, most concise way of describing general appearance
Not mentioning it puts people at risk
Makes you think
pc kills
If you don't mention race people assume white
Because it's the standard
I'm sure an astute cop would think "black"
@Yankee you know what else? I've been thinking lately, and I think that dems are the REAL racists
My trouble is that the general public is unaware
Racism is a Jewish lie and you know it, convo
There's only common sense