Message from @Den Röda Smurfen

Discord ID: 668890053484871739

2020-01-20 16:03:14 UTC  

let me know if you need any more help

2020-01-20 16:03:50 UTC  

Thanks for your help already man

2020-01-20 16:03:56 UTC  

You've been an invaluable asset

2020-01-20 18:41:26 UTC  

@Den Röda Smurfen you still there?

2020-01-20 18:43:54 UTC  


2020-01-20 18:44:06 UTC  

I need another verse translated

2020-01-20 18:44:08 UTC  

From the same

2020-01-20 18:44:10 UTC  

Efter tankens kranka blekhet
River i min trötta själ
Min tid är förbrukad och förverkad

2020-01-20 18:44:12 UTC  

This one

2020-01-20 18:44:16 UTC  


2020-01-20 18:49:10 UTC  

after the thoughts sickly pale
rips through my tired soul
my time is spent and forfeit

2020-01-20 18:49:13 UTC  

the first part is a bit odd

2020-01-20 18:49:46 UTC  

Yeah... maybe its just a weird poetic thing

2020-01-20 18:49:49 UTC  

not sure

2020-01-20 18:49:52 UTC  

"After the sickly pale thoughts"

2020-01-20 18:50:01 UTC  

would make a lot more sense

2020-01-20 18:50:09 UTC  

Sometimes English poetry does that

2020-01-20 18:50:12 UTC  

yeah go with that

2020-01-20 18:50:16 UTC  

Switches the adjectives around

2020-01-20 18:50:16 UTC  


2020-01-20 18:50:38 UTC  

yeah but that sounds good, it was a bit of a problem with river because it translates into so many different things really

2020-01-20 18:50:51 UTC  

but rips through is pretty accurate to the original meaning i'd say

2020-01-20 18:51:46 UTC  

is that all?

2020-01-20 18:52:20 UTC  

For the moment

2020-01-20 18:53:16 UTC  


2020-01-21 11:11:54 UTC  

@Den Röda Smurfen Need more translations

2020-01-21 11:11:56 UTC  

You awake?

2020-01-21 11:13:23 UTC  

yeah but i'm in class right now, i'll be home in i think 4 hours or so

2020-01-21 11:13:35 UTC  

a bit too busy and tired for translations right now if that's ok

2020-01-21 11:13:43 UTC  

yeah thats fine, I can wait

2020-01-21 11:15:18 UTC  

alright man talk to you later

2020-01-21 12:19:51 UTC  

I know this song isn't that good

2020-01-21 12:19:53 UTC  

But eh

2020-01-21 12:19:59 UTC  

Its part of the same album I'm uploading

2020-01-21 12:20:03 UTC  

So I got no choice