Message from @DUBYA DUBYA II

Discord ID: 682819558385385472

2020-02-28 04:53:09 UTC  

it's confirmed now

2020-02-28 04:53:32 UTC  

>rats get Corona from eating dead chinks
>Rats spread it everywhere

2020-02-28 04:53:47 UTC  

Also that makes me remember those crow vids

2020-02-28 05:00:48 UTC  

Though, I suppose:

2020-02-28 05:00:50 UTC  

>The dog’s “weak positive” result came in tests from the dog’s mouth, nose and anal areas. Hong Kong officials said

2020-02-28 05:01:21 UTC  

i like how there are still people going "but the flu killed way more people tho" while the nCoV is as it apears to be now, one of the most contageous infections we know of. the official numbers which are still asumed to be held down part on pourpose and part by accident, are rising faster then ebola, SARS, and even the swine flu

2020-02-28 05:01:29 UTC  

Black plague 2.0

2020-02-28 05:02:30 UTC  

we are working with a desease that can mesure without a doubt with the black plague, and maybe even the spanish flu

2020-02-28 05:03:23 UTC  

and yet people argue it hasnt killed enough people to be a concern. there are almost 3000 dead. one month in or so

2020-02-28 05:04:00 UTC  

SARS was already dangerous and that one barely reached 700 dead

2020-02-28 05:04:33 UTC  

what we have now is more infectious, more aggresive and way harder to trace due to the long incubatiuon times.

2020-02-28 05:06:12 UTC  

all numbers we have now a far from the actual counts even if the chinese government was honest with us. it would be not beyond reason to assume that propably 30-60% of currently infected are still asymptomatic although some of those are already infectious.

2020-02-28 05:12:14 UTC  

<:agony:655404539964293143> <:agony:655404539964293143> <:agony:655404539964293143>

2020-02-28 05:12:37 UTC  

Work sent a new email out

2020-02-28 05:12:55 UTC  

Lemme crop it out of my inbox

2020-02-28 05:15:22 UTC  

Holy shit

2020-02-28 05:16:03 UTC  

Can’t wait to see what announcement they made

2020-02-28 05:17:42 UTC

2020-02-28 05:17:55 UTC  

They are retarded as fuck

2020-02-28 05:19:35 UTC  

The time for an alert is over, they should be telling you to stay home, don’t leave your house without proper ppe

2020-02-28 05:21:08 UTC  

Keep personal contact to a minimum

2020-02-28 05:22:17 UTC  

It's the same shit they said last month

2020-02-28 05:22:43 UTC  

My concerns are constantly ignored

2020-02-28 05:24:37 UTC  

Have you tried asking if you could work in a gas mask because of “dusty environments”?

2020-02-28 05:26:45 UTC  

The Reaper coming for round two because humanity hasn't learned its lesson

2020-02-28 05:27:21 UTC  

No, my request to wear the mask was denied, and any further requests for other reasons will also be denied as they are to be considered attempts to cause panic

2020-02-28 05:27:54 UTC  

Either way panic will ensue

2020-02-28 05:28:36 UTC  

There’s going to be a wave of illness and people are either going to stop showing to work or wear facial protection

2020-02-28 05:28:44 UTC

2020-02-28 05:28:48 UTC  

Like Wong here

2020-02-28 05:29:09 UTC  

I have a random p95 mask

2020-02-28 05:29:11 UTC  

I'm very glad I quit dishwashing at this elderly home.

Fuckin' rats were all over the place and half the people there were on the verge of death - either screaming to coughing. It felt more like an insane asylum.

2020-02-28 05:29:23 UTC  

Can't have this Cannoli Virus fuckin' my groove.

2020-02-28 05:29:38 UTC  

Man's gotta fuck. man's gotta become a father, man's gotta ***Kill.***

2020-02-28 05:29:50 UTC  

Caring for the elderly is insanity

2020-02-28 05:30:25 UTC  

I mean it drives you to the brink

2020-02-28 05:31:19 UTC  

I've got a mighty long list of ***needs*** and this rolly-polly cannoli shit ain't going to interrupt these plans.

Furthermore yeah, its retarded. At least how they handle the wages here. People spent thousands per month to stay in the home and we had at least two-hundred people living in the facility.

2020-02-28 05:33:31 UTC  


2020-02-28 05:35:27 UTC  

I didn’t want my gran facing that, I’m still taking care of her after 3 years, she can be a handful some days but that’s just part of it

2020-02-28 05:37:26 UTC  

Do not put her in a home, no matter what. I was a Dietary Aide alongside Dishwasher, so I know how the food is made.

The CNAs don't care for residents, and the cooks don't either. A specific code is to be followed, and you cannot help people who are screaming for help. Hell, I saw two CNAs standing around on their phones and as I walked by one room this woman was screaming for help and I looked at the CNAs and said "Hey, you guys should uhh - I dunno, do something?"

They wave it off "Don't worry, she does that all the time."

2020-02-28 05:37:53 UTC  

Woman died a week later.