Message from @keknomancer
Discord ID: 684070640353148928
"but not a pandemic"
That's fucking retarded
On 50 different levels
Also my mom works in a hospital so if someone from the family is bout to get it it's her
"We can contain Covid-19, unlike the flu which we can contain."
My mom just transferred from being a nurse to finance
And she's hardy af on that shit, she refuses to go to the hospital if it's not dangerous for her
She'll just work with a flu
It's hard to imagine it really happening
She actually worked with pneumonia before
Not even fucking joking
"We can only slow this virus down. Everyone will get it eventually, but we hope by that time we will have a vaccine ready to provide annually."
Holy fuck
Oh shit
I want to kill tedros
I want to kill tedros
"The time to act is now. We need to buy time to prepare our health systems for this eventuality."
You know what?
Just cull the infected like sheep
Idgaf anymore
Shoot the infected and burn the bodies, all you can do
Based pajeet rn
"You keep saying all nations have the capability to contain the virus, but it has shown this has not worked in many countries because it spreads regardless of quarantine measures."
>WHO niggers just laugh at him
Holy shit
I want to kill Tedros
I want to kill Tedros
"Your question is irrelevant. History will show who was right and who was wrong, so lets just get on with containment and stop arguing about it."
Tedros: "What you are saying is you are surrendering, instead of even trying to attempt a containment strategy. We need a comprehensive approach based on our evidence thus far."
that's such a non-answer
Someone with a brain
Shoot him
"I am going to actually do something to fight this disease"
"You are surrendering"