Message from @BOOM

Discord ID: 556667697140858890

2019-03-17 02:22:30 UTC  

That one was kind of interesting. 1500 AD maps simply are much different. Islands missing. No Great Lakes in America on and on.

2019-03-17 02:23:53 UTC  

lands on older maps that aren't there in modern maps

2019-03-17 02:23:56 UTC  

seen it

2019-03-17 02:25:06 UTC  

long time ago...back before dept of education was formed and before they started to censor the public libraries(they waited 20yrs locally to do that after dept of ed was formed)

2019-03-17 02:25:23 UTC  

i used to spend quality time in libraries reading history

2019-03-17 02:25:43 UTC  

and other things i was researching at the time...i was a fan of greek mythos

2019-03-17 02:26:02 UTC  

Even the rivers followed elsewhere. To the Atlantic instead of the Pacific. California was partially an island. Cities in Utah in 1500's with a river that went to the Pacific so no Great Salt Lake.

2019-03-17 02:27:48 UTC  

steve, also we were told that 'americans' didn't travel westward til like 1800's yet we have all these states and territories that existed during the civil war

2019-03-17 02:28:06 UTC  

all fully colonized after few decades

2019-03-17 02:29:06 UTC  

we supposedly landed on usa soil in mid 1600's

2019-03-17 02:30:03 UTC  

They went to Utah in the 1840's . The Civil War was fought in the 1860's.

2019-03-17 02:30:29 UTC  

Utah was not able to become a State because of the fighting on who it would be for.

2019-03-17 02:30:32 UTC  

majority of the utah residents were mormon

2019-03-17 02:31:23 UTC  

and the official claim is when they got there, the women out numbered the men...hence the creation of multiple wife families concept

2019-03-17 02:31:38 UTC  

Yse they moved there because they were practicing polygamy and stealing wives and daughters to do it. The Church split. Technically the Utah Mormons were Apostates.

2019-03-17 02:32:38 UTC  

They were chased out. Those who stayed were the real Mormons and stayed for some time. Never went out west, though some decided to join the apostate Mormon Church in Utah.

2019-03-17 02:32:50 UTC  

thx Steve,appreciated

2019-03-17 02:33:25 UTC  

The real Mormons did not have plural marriage. At least not for many years. Eventually they did.

2019-03-17 02:34:55 UTC  

The Mormons are apostates. Very few real Mormons though they won in court with documents clearly showing Brigham Young was never intended by Joseph Smith to take his place. Strang was.

2019-03-17 02:38:41 UTC  

That's the thing you don't know what your talking about. If you look at the video in full he shoot a lady and blood came out from it.
using dirt cheap rounds no less
trust me, that area should be a blood bath even with real dirt cheap rounds of ammo if it was real ammo
those ppl wouldn't walk out from that
````SirW00f - 16-03-2019 22:14 | #general-discussion-text`

2019-03-17 02:41:59 UTC  

Background on NZ shooter:
-shooter was a personal trainer for 2 years after school. Leaves 2011 to “travel overseas”….
-7 year gap where he travels world...ends up in North Korea.
-claims to make loads of cash to fund his travels on crytocurrencies...
-Posts from the facebook of a Hotel in Islamabad with a picture
-Says how amazing and wonderful this muslim country is and the people
-Hotel owned by Shia muslims connected to Nizari people…
-a little over 6 months later appears in christchurch a small NZ town of a little over 300k people
-a small town that has had multiple White kiwis become jihadis, travel to yemen and get killed by US drones
-the same small town another kiwi teen was radicalized into a Jihadi and planned a mass killing before being arrested

-the same small town that a large mossad operation had been operating in for who knows how many years
-then this guy goes into mosque and shoots up a bunch of Sunni

-the SAME DAY the high ranking pakistani intelligence operative working in Islamabad in the region the shooter visited last year is SUICIDED

Add to that this article which actually has a picture of the Christchurch shooter in North Korea. Glow in the dark Cabal agent confirmed.

Also, the fact that the MSM jumped on this story and is covering it in every tiny detail 24/7, but ignored stories like this:

Cabal confirmed.

2019-03-17 02:46:03 UTC  

I saw blood on one person. If it was blood it looked wrong to me. No bullet hole just blood.

Did not see it elsewhere. Perhaps they had it set up on this one woman. Easy to do. Hard with lots of rounds to set it up and have it look right. Easier to just not do it.

He shot a lady near his car. Her hair moved out but nothing else. So fake looking. Camera pointed down at her and no blood. No broken head. Nothing indicating she was shot. Just looked like she was laying there. As the car drove over where she had been no indication he drove over the body.

2019-03-17 02:47:00 UTC  

Thanks Svizzy- that article summary will help everyone get a more complete picture.

2019-03-17 02:48:21 UTC  

Yes very insightful. This person was a Muslim. No way he went there and shot them up. Although a Muslim who hated those Muslims might but no indication of that at all. Quite the opposite. Looks like they converted him.

2019-03-17 02:49:27 UTC  

Links fixed, sorry guys

2019-03-17 02:52:18 UTC  

😡 i already spread it far and wide

2019-03-17 02:54:31 UTC  

Not surprised Q silent today. Lots to deal with I am sure. Sure a lot more went on than we know of.

2019-03-17 03:01:39 UTC  

no way it was made up cause it was live streamed online on facebook.
I saw blood on one person. If it was blood it looked wrong to me. No bullet hole just blood.

Did not see it elsewhere. Perhaps they had it set up on this one woman. Easy to do. Hard with lots of rounds to set it up and have it look right. Easier to just not do it.

He shot a lady near his car. Her hair moved out but nothing else. So fake looking. Camera pointed down at her and no blood. No broken head. Nothing indicating she was shot. Just looked like she was laying there. As the car drove over where she had been no indication he drove over the body.
````Steve Angell - 16-03-2019 22:46 | #general-discussion-text`

2019-03-17 03:01:55 UTC  

as it happened

2019-03-17 03:07:09 UTC  

Meaningless. Livestream proves nothing. Especially when there is no proof of it. If a False Flag no doubt they could play a video as supposed livestream. Facebook is their partner.

We are just saying our opinion. No problem with me if you think it happened..

2019-03-17 03:12:58 UTC  

Well people in NZ attest to this so

2019-03-17 03:13:36 UTC  

They know more than what you think.

2019-03-17 03:14:50 UTC  

Just our opinion. If you have further information we would consider it of course. Just seems very fishy to me.

2019-03-17 03:15:49 UTC  

Well, it becomes a false narrative to the real truth of what happened. everything is. But it always involves the muzzies.

2019-03-17 03:17:30 UTC  

My belief is the Muslims set this up to bring about our destruction. Have you ever read their Quran and if so do you understand that only the last thing said matters in it. So if you say love a Jew here but later you say hate and kill all Jews. Only that matters.

2019-03-17 03:18:12 UTC  

yeah the work of deep state. united nations.

2019-03-17 03:19:30 UTC  

Muslims are deceived of course. But as long as they follow these false beliefs they are very dangerous. Just a tool of Deep State. When One World Order takes control they will be on the top of the genocide list.

2019-03-17 03:20:26 UTC  

My preference would be that proof will be presented their Quran is just a deception.

2019-03-17 03:27:47 UTC  

@Steve Angell you raise some good points that need to be considered.