Message from @grapes
Discord ID: 484556855675191321
I found out 2 weeks in, I was with her 3 months, I was too scared to break up with her because I was afraid she’d try to curse me or sacrifice me, she was moving the next school year and I saw my opportunity and told her I don’t do long distance
I think the most depressing thing I've ever experienced was when my friend Michael who was a Specialist in the Army got drunk one night at Fort Eustis and hung himself in his room. That was depressing in its own right to have a friend die when you're all still so young, but what really stuck with me was when we went to the funeral one of my friends from my highschool that I hadn't seen in awhile, Scot, was there. Scot had a really bad case of tourettes, like to the point that he will blurt out the worst words possible like fuck, shit, nigger, bitch, faggot, or what ever is shittiest in the situation. He sat down for awhile with us in the pews but he kept blurting out shit and people we're looking at him so he ended up getting up and watching the entire funeral from the exterior doorway of the church. That shit hurt me, to watch him alone and know he can't even go to his own friends funeral in peace.
That's a good sad story actually. Made me feel a bit sad which is rare nowadays
I think the shittiest part was that Mike was probably the coolest guy in school, everybody liked him, and he didn't have any of the bullshit problems everyone else seemed to have. Never once did any of us see this coming. The coolest and strongest guy we knew killed himself and I can't help but wonder what that means the rest of us pathetic fucks can do
Yeah, the people who suffer silently are usually the ones who kill themselves. People who whine about how much they wanna kill themselves are usually all talk make me a bit annoyed when I think about people who suffer in silence unable to cry out for help until its too late.
Damn, thats pretty depressing
I swear someone posted that like yesterday in <#462005448002764811> ?
Yeah yesterday 6:53 the exact same thing
That's depressing
>cunt of a girlfriend left me.
>feels nice.png
@Septermagina727 still dont have a girlfreind feels bad
@grapes sorry man, but when you’re in a toxic relationship like I was all you’ll want is out and the only reason why I didn’t leave is because she would’ve turned against me but since she’ll left me I’m out Scott free and I can show people the texts to back my side up to show what a horrendous person she is
i would dump someone with no remorse
especialy if its toxic
But not when they would spin it into looking like you were the bad guy
I’m not scared, I just don’t want people to pity that bitch
thats why i will never date someone in my school
I didn’t even go to highschool with this girl lmao
But it feels amazing to be free from that bitch
theey why dose it matter if there are rumers
Bc I’m friends with her friends and I’m keeping my options open for hook ups and future relationships
i do not associate with women
She has a smoking hot moroccan friend who is about to come home from a college trip and damn she fine asf
all of my freinds are male and i know them and they know me well enough not to cast me out if i seem to others to be horible
I’ve been keeping a steady friendship with her and she’s already on my side
I have my friend group from my school and they all hated her, I think my best friends Syd and dusty hated her more than me, they begged me to just cut her off
i have lots of freinds and lots of them are strong they didnt leave me in middle school at my worst so im still freinds so i think they are ok with me
I met them through various points in highschool, from my weakest freshman year to my best, I love all my friends though they been there for me without a doubt in their minds
i havve 2 close freinds on the internet while we do drift apart for a short while or a mounth sometimes we always will talk
and i have one freind who literly gives 0 shits about drama in our school because he is to smart to care
so ill be freinds with him for a while
i would dump almost anyone if my relationship got toxic
>tfw deep 14yo