Message from @Tersheus
Discord ID: 490949099332304917
hab u seen alien
Oh my god the cat, they kept the audio! The fucking ***THUMP** when it hits made me laugh so fucking hard it so wrong and fuck its hilarious, just unexpected.
That made my day a little less shit
Parents are mad i dont talk to them at home be in car with my dad tell him about a good deal on a gun yells at me im not buying you a gun for a long time leaves the car mom comes back into the car i explain what just happened she talks to my dad about it in the car my dad gives a poloticans apology saying i only talk to him when i want things and theres a tree leaning over that might fall soon never apologizes
I defenatly want to talk to you guys more at home seeing you guys like to talk so much
Its entirely related to your age you know that right?
But @grapes I used to have somewhat of the same problem, there are 2 solutions
1 serve the army
Respect will come eventually if you do that
2 actually talk to your dad
Try finding out what he works with
Ask about it
Inform yourself about it
It will be strange at first but you will bound over something
Im 28 now, life changes when you get older
When I do have Children in like 2 years
Ill scald them for the same shitposting I will probally be doing too
Keep in mind, between his friends, your dad is most likely the shitposter-mor
I help my family i do the best i can in school but they think its not enough
You are doing obligations
Doing something out of the ordinary is necessary if you want people to respect you
>be me
>in NYC for veterans day parade with the academy
>walking around with kids I really dont know
>say fuck it, go back to near the pickup spot at the plaza and ice skaying rink
>go to ramen stand and order a thing of ramen
>10 mins later recieve a literal 1.5 gallon bucket of ramen
>sit by myself, eating ramen, watching ice skaters fall and bump into the railing
>enjoying a nice night
>look to the center of the rink
>10/10 elegant looking asian qt gf blading around like a fucking olympic ice skater
>mesmerized by the beuty and purity of this girl twirling around effortlessly
>say fuck it and go rent skates
>essentially orbit this girl, wanting to say something but not wanting to interupt her
>try to copy some of her simplier moves
>fall on my ass
>this young asian girl who I assume was her sister comes over to me to help me, teaches me how to do some fancy footwork