Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 627984390982729750
Well l love her quite a lot
Nice job bro
What a lad
Tbh pasty looks so white it's unbelievable
Good for ya man
@Corinthian that's why they call me pasty
You look like you own a small local grocery store
And devoted christian
That says yikes
Korean jesus
Korean jesus
Korean jesus, that's all
If my arms were long enough to reach America
I'd slap the shit out of you
Korean jesus
Also this is <#462997453181026307> no shitposting
Oh oof
Our boy has grown into our lad
HE recorded himself raping her?
what a fucking idiot
@Coal yep. Bastards gonna be sent to jail if prooven
I say if proven incase h hasn't deleted the convo/video
Now heres the issue, I dont want to be that guy, but what if its a lie and he tries to prove that it was consensual and she is just manipulating our friend because he is a nice wonderful guy who would believe her
@Coal nigga the guy found bruses on his gf
Are you fucking retarded
Rough sex
The girl is in tears and is afraid
No Im just thinking of alternatives that can go down
all women are in tears when their caught
Are you that fucking retarded
Shut the fuck up, are you that fucking gullible?
Are you that bitch made to listen and believe?
fucking think