Message from @Clitzkrieg
Discord ID: 634099078006964254
So fellas I fucked up
Basically it turned out it looked like I was bullying a girl for a week
That sucks
Jesus sorry clitz
Ah fuck that's the only shit that got sent? Anyway, here's tha whole story
>like girl
>she likes me back
>find out she's ticklish
>tickle her a lot
>like 2nd week into relationship I should've asked her out
>be pussyboi
>get new classmate, transfered
>I'm still usually tickling her daily btw, everytime I walk past her, it's kinda game
>she kinda starts telling me to stop, be an idiot and don't
Get it
>in a week the some other girls start telling me I'm an asshole
>fuck you I love this girl I just haven't even said anything about a relationship or something but I love you fuck you you are bitcjes anyway, don't say that but just call em bitches
>she starts dating new guy
>I waited too long
>acted kinda jerkish and inconsiderate
We're still friends but I alienated half the class and also the class now knows my nickname from my previous school which is cesspool
Aaaaà aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Damn I'm sorry clitz
But look on the bright side. If she was quick to jump on another guy as quick as she was, she probably would have done the same in a relationship
Hope it gets better fam
Why is your nickname cesspool?
I used to have really bad breath
It helped me get waaaay better hygiene but it's fucking annoying to have to hear that every day
Jesus those kids are bad at nicknames
I'm happy it turned to Heinrich after a few years
Well cesspool sounds bad in English but in Czech it's žumpa which rolls good on the tongue
No offense, but if it were up to me, your nickname would probably have been Zyklon Breathe or some shit.
No one even fucking knows what Zyklon is
teach 'em the hard way
I did at first