Message from @bdog
Discord ID: 644039411536756747
Hey man
I was being "social"
At the least
Still a weeb
I have awaken
I actually am curious if someone will make this horror movie concept in sfm^
Commission it lol
Kek make it the next cupcakes
Actually wait. You know how theres a lot of futa trash in the overwatch sfms right
Same concept but replace andy with like a futa tracer or something
Yee. Cause overwatch fans are fags
i have tomorrow off
Your coworkers gonna handle that?
handle what
that place is already in ashes. if anything i'm making it worse lmao
nothing's more shady than receiving a random request to pair with your phone
i have Bluetooth on cause i have a pair of wireless earbuds, so i guess my phone's visible on anyone's Bluetooth list
Fucking ipods head ass
Say aloud, "yo who wants to square up and pair up"
don't have ipods lol
Oh wait the ipod was good
@bdog that's actually a good idea
Kek mad lad
my gym is actually pretty empty right now
there's like 3 dudes here
Gotta be one of them
Vibe walking up to one of the guys over trying to connect bluetooth like
i don't actually have a tiger costume
but thank you!