Message from @Amerikek

Discord ID: 672855767694704682

2020-01-31 17:22:39 UTC  

Doomguy and Doomslayer are different people, yes?

2020-01-31 17:22:44 UTC  


2020-01-31 17:23:11 UTC  


2020-01-31 17:23:17 UTC  

They are the same person

2020-01-31 17:23:31 UTC  

they arent

2020-01-31 17:23:34 UTC  

The lore in Doom 2016 implies they're the same person

2020-01-31 17:23:39 UTC  

I thought Doomguy was the name given to the Main Character by the fans and Doom Slayer was the name given to him by the Demons

2020-01-31 17:23:55 UTC  
2020-01-31 17:24:19 UTC  

Because Doomguy didn't have a name back then

2020-01-31 17:24:26 UTC  

"A N D A L L T H O S E W H O T A S T E D T H E B I T E O F H I S S W O R D N A M E D H I M , T H E D O O M S L A Y E R"

2020-01-31 17:24:38 UTC  

-Doom2016 2016

2020-01-31 17:25:06 UTC  

you are forgetting that Doom 2016 is a reboot

2020-01-31 17:25:14 UTC  

not a sequel

2020-01-31 17:25:30 UTC  

Because the Bethesda devs said so?

2020-01-31 17:25:46 UTC  


2020-01-31 17:27:19 UTC  

they are kinda the ones that made it

2020-01-31 17:27:20 UTC  

didnt they

2020-01-31 17:27:24 UTC  

It's a reboot sequal

2020-01-31 17:28:06 UTC  

Doomguy may technically count as a gary stu but he's still better than any mary sue since he has concrete goals and ideals

2020-01-31 17:28:28 UTC  

It has the lore of the first ones behind it.... the Doom guy only got sealed from a trap by the demons and was uncovered in another dimension

2020-01-31 17:28:36 UTC  


2020-01-31 17:29:40 UTC  

It is a sequel.... a sequel that just so happens to follow the same "from Mars to Earth" formula of the first 2 games

2020-01-31 17:30:12 UTC  

I can't really piece together an entire DOOM lore saga because I've only played the first original 2 but I'll try and piece what I can

2020-01-31 17:30:32 UTC  


2020-01-31 17:31:05 UTC  

Don't forget DOOM rpg for mobile or something like that

2020-01-31 17:31:10 UTC  

Never played it

2020-01-31 17:31:40 UTC  

It was enjoyable.
.... or maybe.... Oh no! I remember better.

2020-01-31 17:31:59 UTC  

It was a homebrew, I think, for an emulator

2020-01-31 17:32:12 UTC  

... that I had downloaded on mobile

2020-01-31 17:32:16 UTC  

Pretty good

2020-01-31 17:32:39 UTC  

SNES emulator

2020-01-31 17:35:12 UTC  

Well doom slayer is just a regular fucking human who’s just very angry

2020-01-31 17:35:44 UTC  

Maybe they might add something in the upcoming game

2020-01-31 17:36:42 UTC  

And has a super atmour that allows him to never tire, as long as he kills demons

2020-01-31 17:39:30 UTC  

So DOOM 1:
You are serving in the Marine Corps in the year 2019 when your commanding officer orders you to fire at civilians for some fuckin reason. You begin to argue with him about it and then eventually you beat the shit out of him and as punishment you're sent to the base on Phobos to check out some anomalies that have been discovered alongside a unit. Lo and behold, demons are invading and you've been ambushed. So now your unit is dead and you're the last Marine alive. So you basically gotta kick some ass to get back home or wherever but right as you;re about to, you get ambushed again and killed. Now you're in the Deimos base or something and you have to fight through the Deimos base and kick the ass of the Cyberdemon, who was attacking the base. So you kill him and then you realize the Deimos base is on top of hell itself. So cue to you clearing out some bit of Hell until you kick the Spiderdemon's ass, the one who orchestrated the invasion in the first place. So you've killed the demons and are ready to surface back to Earth using a portal. Things are probably fine on Earth right? Wrong. Hell is invading earth and you see your rabbit's head on a pike. Thus you continue rampaging and now cue to DOOM 2.

2020-01-31 17:41:43 UTC  

RIP pet rabbit

2020-01-31 17:42:45 UTC  

Doom 2016 is both a reboot and a sequel at the same time

2020-01-31 17:43:14 UTC  

DOOM 2: Pretty much you have to go through Earth and kill all the demons. At one point you go to your home town and have to kill them. It all accumulates into killing the Icon of Sin and stopping the demons.

2020-01-31 17:43:38 UTC  

Doom Slayer has been jumping from alternate universes connected to hell as far as I can remember

2020-01-31 17:44:19 UTC  

Like, the demons in his own dimension were wiped out, so he keeps killing them in every dimension he can

2020-01-31 17:44:20 UTC  

Shid for real?