Message from @RING
Discord ID: 303745851837382668
D A Y . O F . T H E . W E D G I E.
They conveniently left out being communists.
Good luck guys. I wish i could be there. If it were auburn washington, I could be
It's just an act
i-it's just a prank bro
You say, '((Faggot))'
Otthor says, '((Excuse me, gay man ehre, pls don't say that))'
Ithelion says, '((*kisses Rae Irl*))'
You say, '((It's a Welsh dish, m8... Faggot))'
I fucking love these shitty RPer groups.
Bunch of fucking poz
dunno if this was made known already
if any of you are planning to go out there, keep that in mind
the left has a long history of street violence tactics to draw from
books and books worth
it doesnt take much to learn them, even for people seemingly as shitty as this
@RING What happened to Pepsi guy?
@here voice chat before i get some sleep?
This fucking Walker Scott
Gap tooth subrace
This is the level of candidate the cucks have in my city....
Blueshirts when
not soon enough
this is the video those iamges are from
the antifa women at the leftist front line were giving hand signals to people at the back