Message from @Ragoth Grituk
Discord ID: 682831774908153908
>**"possible lung infection"**
If I have corona then tell derek to suck my toes
Dawn your hazmat suit boys
We got a wuflu
-loads shotgun
Sorry @BrotherCactus but you’re time has come
Oh wait
My bad
I think you mean me
true true
Die shitty plane ✈️
Don’t die on us IL-2
But you’re gonna
At least travel to California and cough on as many people as possible
Do us all a favor
You’ll be deemed a server hero
nah, califags like to travel. don't do that.
they'd spread it everywhere
Californians are invading Colorado, we don't need corona to come with them
I'm sick too so I'm hoping I don't have corona
I've been throwing up and my head has been spinning for like 4 days now
prob not if you're vomiting
yeah I know I'm just fuckin around
I'm actually really into this corona shit so I know I'm good
it hopefully won't spread out to buttfuck nowhere and will stay on the coast and big cities
I was coughing earlier this week and last week, now this
I might actually have corona
if you do please go to israel
I went on a plane (passenger, wasn’t the pilot) and now this happens