Message from @superpickle
Discord ID: 683039817772433502
I want to go back to Zambia
Mine is a log cabin innawoods Iowa
Or a farm somewhere
Zambia was fun it's where I've had my only paranormal experience
You see a nigger witch doctor casting a spell?
Orange is wall, burgundy is door, and violet whatever is window.
Just my thoughts though chief.
I didn't see anything, just heard some weird shit
so maybe it was some witch doctor something all I know is that it was scared off by a couple of drunk guys passing by and being loud
@Amerikek I feel like I have seen that app or what ever it is before I think used it in elementary or middle school once to make are dream house
Wtf do yo umean violet @A Pesky Sæxon
The red
my bad nigga
Oh lmao
It was a weird ass color when I was messing with it on mspaint
I thought for a second you were colorblind
god I hate trannies so much
fucking annoying cunts
Make the window lorger
fuck we dont have that emoji
and im not paying Cringecord any money
Always make fun of people who put money down for discord
when you literally give money to the pedophiles and furries who run this shit
nah not skype either
we going to back to teamspeak