Message from @THE IRON KENYAN
Discord ID: 279542184389246977
During WW2 we mostly just ruined the Japanese, captured Papua new guinnea then left when asked nicely, letting indonesia move in.
Which I guess brings us to the modern day:
Communism has faded, Australia was at peace, Indonesia was easy to ignore, and new zealand was nice enough.
And then the 21st century started.
Well, you know what happened there, 9/11, islamic terrorism, radicalization of the left.
We have a far right candidate.
She's a bit of an idiot, No farage, trump or Le Pen.
Red hair women, not even once.
Here's a picture of her with a Halal Vegemite.
Just asking for trouble
This pomy cunt cheater her way into prime minister ship.
Bringing us to the modern political paradigm.
5 Prime ministers in 5 years.
@THE IRON KENYAN Tfw hotep and alt right join forces to fight the cucks This guy got voted in but due to our parliamentary system was replaced by gillard by the party when he had %60 approval ratings.
And then they kicked her out to put him back in charge just in time to lose the election to...
The sexiest man alive, Tony Abbott.
He's a swimmer so he gets points just for that
its pretty unreal
Really though, he wasn't very good.
Stopped the boats... by putting all the refugees into offshore "Processing camps" which are honestly worse than sending them back where they came from.
That's another thing.
Italians just let them drown, based
Our refugees come by boats through indonesia.
We just left them out their at first.
Except they started throwing their fucking kids in the water in the sight of our coastguards.
Fucking anchor babies
Who throws their kids into an ocean to get into a country?
But yeah, he stopped the boats, said a buncha stupid things.
No prompting ofr that either...
And so he got replaced by...
This cunt, if there ever were a cuckservative it'd be him.
Given that he only has the job because the party tolerates him more than any other candidate he never ever does anything without getting fully party support.
He looks like a faggy Mike Pence
Sells off our shit to the chinese.
He's apparently part jewish, he fucking acts like it.
The boats are still stopped, but the lebs keep coming.